Thursday, January 16, 2014

John 10:5

"Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of a stranger."
Bless You my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Most assuredly You have said You are the way, the truth and the life. May I continue to follow after You all my days. You Lord have made certain with guarantee for me and others to have a beautiful spiritual life and the promise of Your word to nourish us with. Over the years You have taught me a great many things for my benefit and growth as I become ever more depended on You for every good thing. This physical trial is no different. The world wishes to distract me, You are still the rock in which I cling. There are not many professions that require the laying down of ones life but just as all shepherds are willing to do for their sheep, You Lord gave up Yours for mine, this wee small lamb. This is a debt I could never repay, and the only gift I can give is to surrender all into Your loving care. At times my ears strain to hear Your voice but thanks be to You God, You have made known to me the sweet sound of it. So even when distraction abound all around me, lures of alternative healing and the inner groan of pain that is desperate for relief, my heart shall listen to Your instruction, heed Your warnings and follow Your steps. May Your glory shine through for all to see and be amazed. May the trumpet make a victorious sound for all to hear. Father, I pray for my sisters and brothers who are being stretched and challenged, may they be strengthened by the inner man to not go astray by listening to other voices, no matter how well meaning. Father Your love is so amazing, captivate the stagnate heart who has lost their way. Scoop up the wounded worrier who may be feeling defeated in battle, blessing them with Your rest. Oh Father make known Your truth to those who have not tasted and seen the goodness of Your ways. One bread and One body. May all honor be Yours the only wise King, who was and is and is to come. I love You Lord, bless You for Your mercy and grace that endue for ever. In the name of Jesus I pray and adore. Amen.

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