Monday, November 1, 2021

Luke 9:60

Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God."

Heavenly Father, It is challenging at times for us to count the cost to be an aspiring disciple. We have so many family responsibilities. Forgive us for being slow, meditative, and contemplative instead of trusting where the Holy Spirit leads. Great is Your faithfulness so help us to have clear priorities. When calls Your heart may we be quick to respond so You may use us to bring about reconciliations, deliverances and miracles that can only come from You Almighty God. We desire to see Your manifest glory on the earth to set captives free by the truth of the Gospel. May we follow You dear Jesus wherever You so lead without fear or reservation. Grant us enthusiasm that come from Your Spirit alone. Truly it is hard to lose loved ones, so make us to bear witness telling of the blessed assurance we have to others who are sad, encouraging them they will see their loved ones again. For those in Christ will receive the gift to be together for all eternity. Father pour out Your comfort on those who mourn, as grief can be a harsh teacher, please remind us every day is a blessing from above. May we not get bitter for soon enough we shall rejoice as joy comes in the morning. May You see Lord our commitment to You is serious and may we be found devout. Not to religious activity but with a pure heart that is in a relationship with You, the King of the Universe the One who sweetly calls us friend.  May our love for You draw the hurting heart, restoring hope. Lord Jesus thank You for Your loving kindness and tender mercies. May singing Your praises continually to be on our lips as we give You all the honor. In Your matchless name we pray, Amen. 

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