He answered and said to them, "He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise."
May it be this day Lord Jesus that my testimony, my voice is the one that calls out in the wilderness of another's life. May every path be made straight, valley filled with Your amazing love and grace. May every mountain of sin and hill of doubt be brought low. May all crooked thinking and rough emotion be smoothed by your grace. Oh, Father that all flesh should see the salvation given through Your beautiful and faithful Son, Jesus Christ. The wilderness is a strange place to give a vineyard. And bitterness transformed into a door of hope. But You have given Your life so we may have it more abundantly. May we bear much fruit Lord, worthy of repentance. Who we are connected to in genealogy or who we know will not grant us favor with You, God. No amount of works will earn our way into Your loving heart. Ah, but the simple confession of our sin, the seeking of Your sweet forgiveness and the receiving of Your mercy is the divine creating us new. Father, I pray this morning to extend forgiveness to others, especially to those who have hurt me the most. The ones who do not seem worthy to receive such a gift. Oh that I should recall the day of old when I was just that one. Let me not hold onto two garments while one is in need to be warmed by love. May I not withhold food when others need the nourishment of truth. Freely You Jesus have given to me, so may I freely give to others by the power of Your Holy Spirit. I thank You Lord for the transforming of my mind, resulting in change of action towards those around me. May my deeds of this day bring about the gift of repentance, the blessing of salvation. For Your glory and honor Jesus. Amen.
John 3:4-6, Hosea 2:14-15 and Romans 12:2
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