Friday, October 15, 2021

Isaiah 56:1

Thus says the Lord: Keep justice, and do righteousness, for soon my salvation will come, and my righteousness be revealed. 

Dear Heavenly Father, Worthy is Your Son who was slain to receive all of our adoration. There is none like Him, no not one so let us not boast in anything we do but humbly follow Him our living hope. Jesus reveal Yourself to all the world as the righteous King of kings and Lord of lords. We know the day will come when every knee shall bow and tongue will confess You are the Messiah and, in that hour, many will receive the judgement due them for their wicked deeds. Father by Your Holy Spirit save the sinner and set the captive free. Use us to proclaim the Good News Your alive and defeated death. Jesus You are the only way to heaven so may those who know You be used as vessels of honor to reveal this truth to the dying world around us. Lord we are sadden over the quickening of the darkness that looms over us. Many struggle to maintain the status quo while others choose to manipulate and deceive the world certainly both falling short of keeping justice and doing righteousness. Forgive us Lord for keeping silent as the evil befalls us. We pray for those in positions of authority whether governmental, educational or medical give them wisdom, humility, courage and strength to lead in ways that bring glory and honor to You. To carry out Your good and perfect will here on earth.  Father guide us back to the narrow way as we have folly long enough on the broad road which will cause sudden destruction.  Forgive us Lord God Almighty for designing You in our own image and selfish desires. We have mocked, spit and profaned all that You have created and said, "it is good".  We have erected false idols that are an abomination to Your Holiness. In Your greatness and supremacy, it would be right for you to smite us but Father we pray for Your mercy and grace to be poured out that we may turn from our ways and be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  Lord Jesus, we need You now more than ever, please hear our prayers and defend Your children. Avenge the blood of the preborn, martyrs and saints who have been slain, persecuted and tortured. Do justice Lord that is righteousness, that many don't understand because they call good evil and evil good. Cleanse and purify Your church Father so joy may abound more and more and holiness restored. We ask in Jesus matchless name, Amen.

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