Monday, December 2, 2013

Mark 4:8

"But other seeds fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirty fold, some sixty and some a hundred."

Oh, give thanks to the Lord! I call upon Your name; making known Your deeds among the people! I shall sing to You psalms, and talk of Your wondrous works! Glorifying Your holy name. Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek You Lord! May I give testimony to all those who look for You and Your strength. May they continually worship You in the beauty of holiness! May we give You Lord the glory that is due You, bringing an offering of praise before You. For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised!  Father I pray for all those who call out to You to save them, may they come to know Your mercy that endures for ever. I pray that as the seed of Your Word and the testimony of my heart goes forth from my lips it will be planted on fertile rich soil of a soul who is lost and ready to be found. Father I pray that the birds of the air will not snatch the seed and devour it. Lord break up the stony, hard and fallow ground of those who have walked through life with an embodiment that is dry, parched and dead. May they receive Your written word that brings vitality. Do not allow the thorns and weeds to choke it out but may it take root and bring forth a change. May new growth spring forth that is lush and hardy. Father I thank You for Your Spirit that lives with in me. He who also is constantly tilling and preparing soil of my own heart for more understanding, wisdom and knowledge of You to be used to sow into another's life. As I scatter the seed of Your love may they produce crops of a hundredfold. May my own spiritual growth be recognizable to those around me. As You prune and trim the dead areas off me, may Your Spirit bring forth beautiful blooms filled with the sweet aroma of truth, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. Thank You Lord for hearing my prayers, blessing me with Your love, joy and peace all the days of my life. In Your name Jesus I pray and give thanks, Amen.

1 Chronicles 16:8-11, 29, 25. Mark 4:1-11

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