Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Proverb 8:2

She takes her stand on the top of the high hill.
Beside the way, where the paths meets.
Dear Heavenly Father,
You Lord who sits in the highest heaven, shall laugh. Your laugh shall be scornful to those who attack Your beautiful, perfect and precious Son, Jesus Christ. I pray Father for those who try to fight off Your will in their lives. Your will Lord will always be done. Oh Lord that we should tremble at the thought of You breaking those who do not believe with a rod of iron, dashing them to pieces like a potters vessel. May we serve You Lord with rejoicing, waiting upon Your return. Father only You know the day and hour of Your Sons triumphal return. May our hearts and mind be made ready by keeping Your ways. You have said “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” Open our ears to the wisdom that sits on top the high hill, crying out, desiring to reach everyone. Your truth Lord is not hidden but is in plain view. Open the eyes those who walk in darkness, following in the path of the devourer. Expose him who is cleverly disguised in many deceptions that entice us away from Your magnificent light. The cunning immoral one cannot be trusted. Only Your pure words of wisdom that offer mercy and grace can lead us in the way that is beneficial. I pray Lord You will open the eyes of those who have fallen into slumber. They see through eyes that are heavy laden that cause a hazed line between what is true and that which is lies. Sharpen their sight to see the stark contrast between the way that lead to life and the way that leads to death. Your wisdom Lord given to us by the power of Your Holy Spirit delivers on her promises. Oh that they should know she is not a tawdry tease, Your wisdom Lord is more valuable than silver or gold. I pray Father to desire nothing more than Your ways that bring blessings that can not be compared or contained. May all glory and honor be Yours Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 2:4,9 and Psalm 37:23

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