Friday, August 2, 2024

John 12:3

Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.

Dear Heavenly Father I come before You today rejoicing in answered prayers! Thank You so very much, Your loving kindness is vast as the ocean. It is amazing how one action of love can fill the atmosphere with a sweet aroma. Your beautiful Son Jesus selfless, obedient act of laying down His life for the sins of the world is beyond belief for some but for me it is the greatest gift I've ever received. Thank You Lord. Many have been motivated by "What's in it for me" when they strategize the outcome of a deed, work or doing a favor, but Jesus You have said those with a pure heart (motivation) will see You. I pray this day to serve You and be glad in it. Your word says, if anyone serves You, they should follow You and where You are there we will also be. Let me live by Mary's example of devotion, give all that I have to You. The custom of her time was to anoint the head of a guest as an act of honor, but anointing Your feet was a display of devotion. I pray my actions, deed and words are also a display of devotion to You Lord Jesus and leave a fragrant aroma of love wherever we go together. Jesus be magnified in my life so those who have not yet met You will today. May You now and forever receive all the glory do Your great name. Amen. 

John 12

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