Friday, August 9, 2024

John 20:28

And Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!"

Dear Lord thank You for the peace only You can give. Always greeting us with Shalom in the midst of our worries and concerns. How loving and patient an act to graciously let Thomas touch Your pierced hands and side that reminds all of us to be believing not unbelieving in the midst of various circumstances. You truly did many signs in the presence of Your disciples, and many more were not even written in the Bible, but I am thankful for Your Holy Word that is true. You had them recorded so many people would believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God. In doing so we may have life in Your name Jesus, thank You. The disciples who walked with You were blessed in so many ways but how much more I am blessed because I just believe You are my Lord and Savior. I pray today for my lost loved ones who have yet to have their eyes unveiled to behold Your beauty and for those whom I love to have their ears circumcised to hear the resounding truth. I pray today would be the day of their salvation. Lord how I desire to be used as a vessel of peace in a world of tribulations and deception. May Your Holy Spirit have His way in and through me to bring light into the dark and gloomy souls stumbling around grasping for hope. May songs of deliverance be on my lips to set captives free, and I have the joy of hearing shackles fall to the ground as You receive all the glory and honor due Your great name, Amen.  

John 20

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