Thursday, August 8, 2024

John 19:8

Therefore, when Pilate heard that saying, he was the more afraid.

Forgive us Lord for the times we are more afraid of people in this world than being in awe of You. You Lord are with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me, nothing. You have instructed us to speak in the light what You have told us in the dark and what we hear to preach on the housetops. We shall not fear those who kill the body because they cannot kill the soul. I thank You that You have taught me fear of You so I may have wisdom. I thank You that You cared so deeply for me that You went to the cross and paid my ransom. Two sparrows may be sold for a copper coin and not one of them fall to the ground apart from Your will Father. I thank You that You know me so intimately, even knowing the number of hairs on my head, I shall not be afraid for You have thought me more valuable than the sparrows. I pray Lord to have boldness in my speech to confess to the world around me You Jesus are Lord and Savior, Redeemer and Friend. I thank You that You will graciously confess me to our Heavenly Father. I thank You for enduring the mocking, scourging and suffering on my behalf, one of the ones unworthy to even untie Your sandal strap. I find myself desiring to break open the alabaster jar of my heart and anoint Your feet with tears of gratitude, love and devotion all my ordained days. Jesus be magnified in and through my life. Amen.

Psalm 118:6, Matthew 10:27-33, John 19, John 1:27 and Mark 14:3

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