Thursday, July 11, 2024

Job 36:15

But by means of their suffering, He rescues those who suffer. For He gets their attention through adversity.

Heavenly Father Your word says that I should behold You are mighty but despise no one; mighty in strength of understanding. You do not preserve the life of the wicked but give justice to the oppressed. And oh, how we need those words of comfort now, as many are enduring various adversities. I pray for Your Holy Spirit to keep Your children in resilience, granting the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties. May we find peace and rest in the truth You do not withdraw Your eyes from those who are robed in the righteousness of Christ. Daily as I ask You to search my heart desiring to face the blind spots where I have acted defiantly and not heeded Your instruction for proper self-care as my focus has been on the needs of others. While this may sound noble it has led me to suffering. I thank You that You have gotten my attention and humbly ask for Your deliverance from disease. While You Father are under no obligation to heal me I thank You for the mercy and grace You poured out from the cross. I lay down all pride and all unpure motives crying out for Your help to navigate this hour in which I live. To live a quiet life, work with my hands and mind my own business especially in the area of health and wellness. I thank You Father for Your intentions on teaching me something or many things through this affliction. May the finished work of Your precious Son be magnified in me and may He receive all the glory. Amen. 

Job 36:5-15 and 1 Thessalonians 4:11 

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