Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Proverbs 14:7

Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge. 

Heavenly Father this Proverb doesn't need much explaining so straight forward and yet at times can be so challenging to place into action. Such a powerful reminder to walk away from conversations that can very quickly turn for the worst. Grant me keen discerning ears to hear the lack of piety and to know the sound of corrupted speech. To keep company with this type of folly is dangerous and nothing good can be gained from it. Father, I pray Your Holy Spirit brings a strong resolve deep within me not to engage with those who bear false witness, scoff at truth, lie and have foolish talk, for there is a way that seems right to man but in the end lead to death. I thank You for Your word that is truth and blesses me to have life and life everlasting. I desire to be a wise person and build my house and refrain from foolishly tearing it down with my own hands. I pray to devise good and there I will meet with Your steadfast love and faithfulness. To draw near to You and You will draw near to me. Thank You for blessing me with a awe fear of You for it is the fountain of life. May my heart ponder how to answer the mouth of the wicked that pours out evil things. Thank You for Your promise that "The fear of the LORD is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor. Thank You Lord for loving me so much not being satisfied to leave me the way You found me. I love You Jesus, Amen

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