Mark 12:44
"for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood."
Dear Heavenly Father,
Forgive me for holding on to much of my self, my wants, my desires and only giving You a portion of me. John the Baptist said You must increase and he must decrease, the same is true for me. Lord I want to give You all that I have, my heart, body, mind and all my worldly goods, Jesus have Your way, be glorified, make something beautiful out of the resources I call my life. Father, I don't want to wait till my hour of great need to cry out, I cry out to You now, I surrender all. Jesus I pray that You would use me today to wash the feet of Your people, serving them as needed whether in word or deed, magnify Your Spirit in me to be a blessing to others. Lord You are my livelihood, the give of the breathe I breath. Anoint my lips and the lips of Your people to give to others out of the abundance of Your Holy Bible that You freely have given to us. Lord may many captives be set free, many sick be healed and many names be written in the Lambs book of life. Father I pray, You would send the saints to be a blessing to Your saints. Father quicken the Holy Spirit in us to do Your will, loving You with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength and loving our neighbors as ourselves not given what we are comfortable giving but giving all that we have. May it reap a great reward for Your kingdom. Father send Your love upon Your children, protect them, and bless them with the deepest desires of our hearts, to be with You daily, knowing how deep, high, long Your love is for us. I love You Lord, and bless Your Holy name Jesus, Amen
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