-rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.
Dear Abba Father,
Forgive us for being overly concerned with our outward adornments, the arranging of hair, wearing of gold and the putting on of fine apparel, which in today's culture is just as much a male preoccupation as a female endeavor. Lord forgive us, we truly know not what we do. Father our desire to be pretty or handsome in Your sight must come from the understanding You see the deep hidden place within our souls. Man's eye can not behold what Your eyes so keenly discern within each of us. I pray we will all make a way, a space within our hearts to invite You Jesus to take up residency lighting Your lamp so You may shine brilliantly through us in all quietness and meekness. So therefore Lord may our outward appearance be consistent with Your inward dwelling of the Holy Spirit. As we put our hope and trust in You Lord, may we observe Your transformation power bringing to the surface of us Your peace and gentleness. May we Father be as a soft breeze in the lives of others, gently soothing their aches, and brokenness. May our words Lord flow graciously from our lips out of the wellspring of our hearts encouraging those who have stumbled and fallen to rise again and keep going . May our manner of politeness be a sharp contrast to the world that tramples over all to be first. Oh Father that we should desire the precious and sweet things of Jesus, in all lowliness, purity, humility and modesty, oh what a world it would be. Search me Lord and see if there is any wicked way in me, so it may be removed never to hinder Your Spirit again. Jesus Your beauty is incorruptible and eternal. Thank You for cleansing me from sin and creating me anew. I love You, Amen.
John 1:12-13, 1 Peter 3:3 and Psalm 139:23
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