Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2 Corinthians 7:10

For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted, but the sorrow of the world produces death.

How often one will say to another, "I'm sorry for making such trouble.", or "Boy, I'm sorry I got caught.", but this is not true sorrowful repentance. This type of apology is just earthy regret that lead to demise. Oh, Father it is pure joy to behold when someone comes to the understanding how sin grieves You. When they are filled with godly sorrow, that causes them to turn from their ways to Yours, is truly the greatest miracle of them all. For Your type of sorrow comes from the revelation we have breached Your holy law. I pray Father Your Holy Spirit would awaken the minds of the deceived, bringing forth an unrest and a knowing they need to find pardon through Your great mercy. Lord I pray today may be the day of salvation for many as the fields are white and ready. How great Father is your plan to restore Your creation to You. How You desire to be in fellowship with us, whom Your hand so lovingly formed. Your kindness should lead us to repentance and our finding rest in the promise as far as east is from the west, so far You removed our transgressions from us. We only need to see the symbol of the cross and imagine Christ's out stretched arms opened wide to embrace and beckon sinners to come home. Father, I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I recall the day of my salvation, the coming out of the darkness and into Your marvelous Light. You having giving me joy that is peace dancing. I love You Jesus the Savior of my wretched soul. Amen.

Psalm 103:12

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