"Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it, for their wickedness has come up before Me."
Jesus, You have stated more than once, an evil and adulterous people seek after a sign, but the only sign given was by the prophet Jonah. Your crucifixion, burial and resurrection was, is and will always be the greatest of miracles, signs and wonders. I pray that all will come to repentance. Just as Jonah went to the city of Nineveh and warned them of their sin, by Your Holy Spirit may we speak to the lost and wicked generation, proclaiming the good news that will save their souls. There are wonders all around us, every day something new to behold, but how arrogant we are to not even notice, or be underwhelmed by Your greatness, forgive us Lord. Far to many think themselves more highly than they ought, and I was the among the worst of them. The mindset that they themselves are god, demanding to be exalted by the world around them. Father, everyone wanting what they want when they want it, living in a state of dissatisfaction rejecting Your Son the only One who can satisfy and restore us to fellowship with You. Jesus please be the center. Far to many Lord have led people away from You by teaching a false gospel. They lie saying we can be healthy, wealthy and wise. Like sheep to the slaughter many follow the way that leads to death. Father, pour out Your Spirit and anoint the lips of those who truly love You and want to serve You. May the words of our testimony be a blessing of conviction that will save a soul. May we not be ashamed of the gospel that is power of life and death. Father, bring revival across this nation. Jesus be lifted high in every heart. Forgive those who demand a sign for they know not what they do. Father, I confess I am frighten for when Your judgment comes countless will not be found ready. Your grace Lord is amazing, so may they taste and see You are good. When they heard the truth from Jonah, they heeded the word and turned from their wicked ways and You loving and mercifully withheld Your punishment. Oh Father that the multitudes would fall to their knees and call upon the name above all name, Jesus and be saved. This is Your promise and You are not a liar and shall not be mocked. You are angry with the wicked every day so may we be holy as You are holy. Amen.
Matthew 12:39 and 16:4, Luke 11:29, Mark 8:12, Psalm 34:8 and 7:11 and 1 Peter 1:16
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