Thursday, February 18, 2016

Habakkuk 2:20

"But the Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him."

Dear Father, 
You are wholly everywhere, and the hole of You is nowhere. Such knowledge is so high I cannot attain it apart from Your Spirit teaching me. You dwell in the heavens and yet here on earth. You Lord are in Your holy temple, period. You are waiting in patience to judge. Woe to those who make idols and frame them or are praying to lifeless stones. Father, open their eyes to see the reading of the palm and the seeking of their future in the stars is a great offense to You that one day You will righteously judge. Your temple Lord is not made with human hand that we should take any credit for that which Yours have made. We are a people of many words, rushing in with our demands, concerns and petitions all the while never being still before You our great God and King to hear Your good and perfect will for each of us. How awful the sound of our murmuring and complaining, our dissatisfaction with the things in our lives. Help us Lord, as we surrender our will into Your loving care to be molded and shaped in the image of Christ by Your sovereignty that has allowed our current circumstances. Out of reverential fear and submission to You I pray, waiting and depending upon You, as You silence the enemies who have arisen and continue to rise up against Your truth as written in Your Holy Word. Even Your church Lord has gone astray, thinking themselves more highly than they ought, having a form of godliness but denying Your power. Many in the day of judgement will say Lord, Lord did we not prophesy in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and have done many wonders in Your name. Oh, but I shiver to know You will say "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" Father in Your great mercy, open the eyes of the deceived to see the error of their ways. The secret folly of even the elect will be exposed, those who are lovers of money, lovers of material goods and smooth talkers tickling the ears of those who are just as prideful. Silence the preacher who puff up himself and others. Twisting Your words to lure people astray.  Teach us by Your Spirit as we sit in humble quiet submission, Your ways, and may we always be in awe and wonder of You not perverting the Gospel for personal gain. Jesus be the center of every area and aspect of our lives, and may we be living examples of You to the lost and dying world. All glory and honor are Yours Jesus forever and ever. Amen.

Romans 12:3 and Matthew 7:21-23

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