Thursday, January 14, 2016

Philippians 2:4

Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also the interests of others.

Dear Holy Father, 
May my eyes be opened to the areas of my life where I do things through selfish ambition. I pray to be free of conceit, the thinking I'm more important than I am. And lead me to live as You did esteeming other and serving them. May all my christian motivation be done by the power of the Holy Spirit, not out of selfish motivations. Guide me by Your Spirit to honestly assess the inner working of my emotions, thoughts and desires. Raising them to the standard of Your Word. The plumb line of truth, the measuring stick of intentions. Father, shut out the noises of this world that wishes to distract, fine tuning me hearing to Your still small voice that echos the personal needs of others. May I be quick to respond whether in word, deed or prayer, remembering it is for You my great God and King's glory. Jesus when I think on what You did when You stepped down from heaven to take human form, to teach, love and sacrifice for us, for me, I am overwhelmed, speechless, and humbled to my knees. Let me be like minded to You, comforting other in love, having fellowship with the broken, extended affection and mercy to the hurting. Father may Your Spirit draw Your children near to live like minded, having the same love from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, not causing division or competition, but encouraging each other in Your ways that are higher and better. Father I pray for Your faithful servants around the world who are sincerely loving the outcasts, abandoned, frightened and homeless strengthen them by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. Quicken in their minds Your words of truth that have been written on their hearts. Father bless, bless and bless them some more in every way, exceeding ever need. May we continue to work together to lift Jesus high. Thank You for leaning Your ear to hear my prayers and the prayers of Your children. In Jesus perfect name, Amen.

Philippians 2:4

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