Friday, January 8, 2016

Zephaniah 3:17

"The Lord God is in your midst. The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quite you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

Lord I stand in awe of You. There is only goodness, holiness, and purity in You. No evil or wickedness as some would want us to believe. Your unending kindness leads us to repentance. Oh, that I am glad and rejoice with all my heart, humbled that You are in my midst. You, the God and creator of the entire universe, all that was and yet to be. Nevertheless You rejoice over Your children with gladness. How great are Your thoughts to me Oh God, so great I can scarcely take it in. I'm grateful for how Your amazing love quiets and stills my anxious thoughts. It's a tremendous gift to receive, the great weight of it causes me to surrender all that I had previously held so dear. Casting off the lies of the evil one, who steals and destroys the hope, joy and peace You so tenderly pour out. Father, I am overwhelmed by the thought of You rejoicing over me with singing. When I recall the days gone by of me singing sweet lullabies, and uttering gentle words over my newborn baby, I'm humbled to even dare to imagine Your sweetness over me, a poor sinner. Thank You Lord Jesus for Your incredible love, though I search my mind to put my gratitude into words, they all fall short. The best I can say is thank You, and I love You back with all that is within my simply human and frail heart. Amen.

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