Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Philippians 1:3

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy...

Blessed are You God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I come before You today in His great name thanking You Father of tender mercies and the one who comforts us in tribulations may You fill us with Your Spirit to be able to comfort others. May I not be ignorant of the present suffering of the brethren around the world but ask that You would deliver them from evil. I pray for my brothers and sister to have peace and comfort in various trials and the assurance knowing You will never leave or forsake them. Father, I ask for healing rain to fall on those who have infirmities, suffering from various diseases or disabilities to receive answers to their prayers. Father, remember my siblings in Christ who are laboring faithfully to share the gospel especially in hard places, bless and encourage them to continue with joy. Grant wisdom and discernment to those who are called to preach and shepherd Your precious flocks around the globe. Make a way where there seems to be no way for those who are struggling in various areas of life, may the see and experience Your outstretched arm. You are the God of a cattle of a thousand hills whose vats and barns are full so Your children will not live in lack but have provisions needed for this day. Father grant supernatural favor and strategies to those who are working hard to combat evil and bring justice back to the streets so we may dwell in safety. And lastly Father I ask today that You would open the blind eyes and deaf ears to hear the best good news ever, Jesus has risen and paid the ransom for their sins. May the rejoicing in heaven bring a joyful sound that echos through the universe as He is glorified in the lives of the lost. With all my heart I love and praise You now and forever, Amen.

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