Sunday, November 5, 2023

1 John 3:14

We know we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. 

Heavenly Father, how gracious You are, so loving and kind to remember our labors of love. I pray we Your sons and daughters don't become sluggish in welldoing but imitates those who through faith and patience inherit the promise. You have blessed us to be a blessing to others so empower us to fulfill the great commission to share the Good News with the world. Our love for fellow believers bears witness and is the evidence of ones who have passed from death to life so may we continue to shine for Jesus who saved us from the grip of darkness. May the message we heard from the beginning to love one another, not to be as Cain who was wicked and murdered his brother. Oh, that we would emanate the love of Jesus who is merciful and kind reconciling us to You our Father who is in heaven. Lord we are living in such a dark time when it is evident that sin has taken over the hearts and minds of those bound in various religions. But Jesus You came to set the captives free and there is no greater love than Yours. You laid down Your life to redeem that which is lost. Help us to desire to lay down our own lives for the brethren. May are arms be open to the wounded, broken and persecuted. May You open our eyes today to see those in need and put joy in our hearts to be generous in words and deeds. We stand on Your promise, love covers a multitude of sin, pour out Your Spirit so love will abound more and more so there will be peace. I Your name Jesus I pray. Amen.

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