By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, whereas the Egyptians, attempting to do so, were drowned.
Dear Holy Father, I pray we as Your children would not live with the attitude that since we have been justified by You nothing could happen to us. We cannot sin with impunity because You do not take it lightly. You are long-suffering, abounding in grace, but we dare not trifle with You. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom as was taught to us in Proverbs and it is a desire of those who follow Jesus. Daily we want to be in awe and wonder of You. Following where You lead. They walked on dry land passing through the walls of water because they believed in Almighty to deliver them. We believe You Lord are our deliverer, who keeps us from idolatry and lusting after evil things. May we not have a stubborn refusal to believe every word written in the Bible. Unbelief is a grave sin that leads away from You Lord. You are the Rock in which we cling, our hope, refuge and strength. Did the Israelites enter Your rest, enter into the Promise land? Did they doubt what You had promised them? Father, we asked today for Your Spirit to keep us firm in the truth not to be tempted to forgo all the words of Your Son Jesus. The tragic unbelief in the desert is a warning not to walk in their footsteps. Grant us discernment to contend for the faith as certain people have crept in unnoticed, ungodly people who pervert Your grace. The way to the promised land is a narrow road and You have warned us broad is the way that leads to destruction. Father, may we stay on the path that leads to life everlasting. Let us not be as some who have a magnificent beginning but a disastrous end. We pray Lord to have the right words to restore a fallen brother or sister. By Your Spirit bring convictions that lead to repentance for it is a gift worth more than any earthly things. We praise You Lord and thank You for Your loving kindness that has led us to You. In Jesus victorious name, Amen.
Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 10:27, 1 Corinthians 10:5-10, Jude 5 and Hebrews 3:16-19
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