By Faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king's command.
Children are a blessing from You Lord. And blessed is the man who quiver is full of them. Heavenly Father sometimes we as parents face immediate dilemmas with the precious children You have entrusted into our care. It is far too easy to give way to our natural fears but with great love comes great trust. The twists and turns the road of life bring can be a frightening ride. How are we to really know what is around the bend for us and our loved ones. But just as Moses' parents didn't know what exactly would happen, they totally comprehended it is more important to obey You than to live in fear. As I look back over the days of my child's youth, the peaks and valleys I'm in awe of Your faithfulness towards us. Father, I pray today for the parents who are crying out for You to save their children, spare them of physical pain, heartbreak and suffering. Be gracious to them as You gently wipe away their tears, restoring shattered hope and bring comfort to their weary souls. We love our children so deeply and understand how special and wonderfully made they are, for it was Your good pleasure to do so. Yet at times we worry and doubt, forgive us. Father, Your Son, Your precious Jesus who is spotless and blameless, He is oh so beautiful, paid the ultimate price. It is a weighty thought to comprehend how You endured it, seeing the sins of the world thrusted upon Him. He was mocked and scourged, nailed to a cross, pouring out His blood to redeem us. No greater love, no greater love than this. Father, You know full well the plans You have for our children, so please strengthen us to endure the challenges of parenting. By Your Spirit fill us with wisdom to train up our children in the way they should go and stand firm on Your promise they will not depart from it. Protect our families from harm as we place them in the basket of Your love. May each trial bring glory and honor to Your great name Jesus. Amen.
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