Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Hebrews 11:8

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.

You have taught us Lord faith means obediently stepping into the unknown. I admit Lord I'm not always willing to walk in the unfamiliar. Human experience as caused broken trust, but I know You are trustworthy and only have my best interest at heart. I surrender to Your will because above all else I desire for You to be glorified, magnified and exemplified. Believing in You brings about obedience regardless of consequences. Father, I do not want my faith to be hindered and not see what You are doing. I want to see beyond the physical world around me. May I not be limited by the temporal circumstances blinding me to what You are doing. Putting my hope and trust fully in You to lead me and mine to the promised land.  I am convinced You are Almighty God, so cause my trust to grow in this season so I'm less overwhelmed by this finite world. Grant me a fearless boldness by Your Spirit to take this journey one step at a time as I am firm in Your grip. May joy and a sense of awe wonder coupled with excitement over endless possibilities abound as I wait upon You for instruction. Father, continue to bless me with wise council and the discernment of that which is not. May no time be wasted swirling in circles when You have called me to swim against the current of mainstream. May my ears be attentive, my eyes bright and my soul courageous as we embark on the journey together. Bring about unity within the walls of my family because there is strength in numbers. I love You Lord and thank You for choosing me to serve You all the days of my life. Amen.

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