Saturday, March 9, 2024

Daniel 7:13

I was watching the night vision, and behold, One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him.

You Lord Jesus have been given dominion and glory and a kingdom. You are far greater than the kings of the earth. You reign and rule over the entire world forever and ever. Every knee shall bow, and tongue confess, and all people, tribe, tongue and nation shall serve and worship You. Your dominion shall not pass away. You came as a Lamb but will return soon as a Lion. So, I pray Lord turn the hearts of the lost back to be found in You. Break the yoke of rebellion off Your creation and cause them to worship You in the beauty of Holiness. Pour out Your Spirit to convict the world of sin so all may come to saving faith in You dear Jesus. Grant extra boldness and courage to those You have chosen to preach the Gospel. Bless them Lord as they carry the truth across the globe. Lord keep Your faithful servants, the missionaries around the world in perfect peace as the exemplify Your love for humanity. I pray their strength will not fail but be renewed daily to mount on wings of eagles to soar above the corruption, witchcraft and darkness. May they continue to shine bright in the dark corners of the world for Your glory. I thank You that their rewards in heaven are great. Help me Lord to continue to do Your will and to see You at every turn, I love You Lord Jesus, Amen. 

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