Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Luke 22:24

Now there was also a dispute among them, as to which of them should be considered the greatest. 

Heavenly Father as I read Your word this morning, I'm struck by the transition from who would betray Jesus and who is the greatest. We are such a prideful people, and You are such a patient and merciful God.  Far to often we desire to be the top of the heap, A #1, king of the hill totally missing that point Jesus made and the example He set. Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lord, the Messiah who humbled Himself to do Your will. Every time I think of this, I'm in awe and gratitude flood my soul. It is such a sad irony that when Jesus was facing the reality of being betrayed and killed, His disciples argued about which of them was the greatest. I want to say "come on people" but then I recall all the times when great sadness is at the door, and I don't want to invite it in because it is too much to bear. Perhaps the reality of the coming great sorrow was why they turned their attention inward. Not making excuses here Lord as I think of the great pain it would be if You were to leave me, the thought of this grief is overwhelming, I could barely breathe. I thank You that I may cling to the promise You will never leave nor forsake me. So, Father by Your Holy Spirit empower me to live and love as Jesus did, may Your receive all the glory. May my words actions and deeds magnify Jesus, the great I Am and lead people to His outstretch arms to receive His love and grace. Amen.

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