So the multitudes said, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee."
Lord God Almighty, I believe someone really special came from Nazareth. You have asked "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" The responds were John the Baptist, Elijah while others said Jeremiah or one of the prophets. But Lord I say, "You are the Christ, Son of the living God, Messiah." I thank You Holy Spirit for revealing this to me. I pray You will continue to reveal this truth to those around me. Jesus, You speak truth always never proclaiming a lie. Yet there are many who presume to speak a word in Your name which You have not commanded them to speak or speak in the name of other gods. Your holy word says they shall die. This should cause many to tremble as it does in me. Father put a guard over my mouth. As I yield to Your Spirit keep me from uttering a false word. When someone speaks a word presumptuously, I shall not be afraid of them as You are with me, granting me discernment. There are wars and rumors of wars, and prophets all over the internet speaking all kinds of predictions but this I know for sure, one day soon Jesus You will return for Your bride. I pray to have my lamp ready and filled like one of the five virgins, to finish the work of an evangelist sharing the gospel of peace wherever my feet may tread. I pray Lord for those who have been toying and flirting with disaster, pridefully proclaiming "Thus say the Lord" when it is a false spirit whispering in their ears. May You be gracious and merciful calling them to repentance. To walk humbly with You and not live for the accolades of men. Father, I desire to follow Jesus and need Your Spirit to keep me on the narrow road. As I wave my palms in remembrance and devotion to You dear Jesus having made Your triumphal entry into my life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for Your saving grace. I love You Lord Jesus. Amen.
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