Tuesday, April 30, 2013

John 3:19

And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Dear Holy Father,
I was once a rebellious youth, thinking my way was better. Always trying to figure things out on my own. I was deciding what I thought was right or wrong by my own standards. I was living in darkness, wanting to be rewarded for the things I did, being honored and exalted by the people and the world around me. Desiring to be a success in my own eyes. I confess that I had a harsh standard to judge others on, all the while not seeing my own sin. Oh, but then that glorious day came when my heart was softened by Your Spirit, my eyes where open to see the truth, and I met Your beautiful Son, Jesus. The Lover of my soul, Jesus, You are my Redeemer, Deliver, Savior who plucked me from the darkness of selfish pride. As I look back on where I came from, I shudder to think where I would be now if You hadn't come into my life. Jesus thank You for giving me a great life!  Thank You for making a way so I may walk in the cool of the day in fellowship with our Father who created me. Jesus, Your sacrifice made the way to a life full of joy, love and peace my cup runneth over. Your grace helps me face trails and challenges of this fallen world. I pray Lord that if there are any areas of my life still hiding in the darkness You would reveal them to me so I may repent and turn from them. I pray Lord that I would walk in the beauty of Holiness as You are Holy. Lord Jesus, You are the Light of the world and in You is no darkness at all. Lord I pray You would send Your Holy Spirit to expose what is concealed in the hearts of those who live in rebellion against You, O' God. I pray Lord that people would see the truth of how wonderful and good You are. That a life led by You is one of mercy and grace and brings peace. Thank You Lord for setting me free from the chains of this world that says You must have personal success, achieve higher goals and strive for the best of everything. Lord, I have the best of everything Your name is Jesus the crowning glory of our Father in heaven. My one true desire is to be with You. I love You. Amen

Monday, April 29, 2013

John 18:12
Then the detachment of troops and the captain and the officers of the Jews arrested Jesus and bound Him.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Your beautiful and precious Son has set us free by given the greatest gift no human could give, salvation. But yet as believers we detach ourselves from the Your body and follow false leaders who desire to bind up the One who has set us free. Forgive us for wanting to return to the law, rituals, and religious practices that exalt us and rob the glory from You the most awesome One. Jesus You are Lord of all, there is none like You. No one greater. Lord I pray that we would be a people who worship You in Spirit and Truth.  Rejoicing that You have set the captives free, there are no shackles on our feet and we can dance. Father thank You that once forgiveness through Your Son is sought, You are merciful and gracious and sin is no more. As far as east is from the west, never to meet again. Father, I think upon the wonder of east in one direction and west in the other I imagine Jesus out stretched arms on the cross one pointing the east and the other to the west and the thought of amazing grace washes over me. He's action saying I love you this much. Father thank You for another day to share Your love with others. To bring glory and honor to the One who made me, the One who saved me and the One who fills me. Jesus Savior of the world be glorified today in all I do and say.  I love You with all that is in this little human heart. Jesus bless my church family today, help them in what ever area of life they need Your hands to touch. Hear their prayers and answer them in the way only You can and know is best. Lift them up Lord and give them strength, comfort and wisdom in all the challenges and trials they face. I thank You for each and everyone of them. You have blessed me beyond measure. Thank You. In the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen

Sunday, April 28, 2013

John 9:1
Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth.

Dear Lord,
You, have opened my spiritual eyes, giving me insight to those around me and the condition of the world. I am very grateful to be Yours, and also share in the Your burden of seeing those who are spiritually blinded. So many Father are blinded by the sin they are in and do not even know it. Father open their eyes to the things that offend You such as; bitterness, anger, evil speaking, sexual immortality, both in and out of the marriage covenant, filthiness, foolish talking, coarse jesting, covetousness, and idolatry. Father, Your Son said as He was hanging on the cross bearing all our sins, "Father forgive them they know not what they do". Lord I pray that You would draw the sinner unto Yourself. I pray Lord open the eyes of the blind to see Your love and mercy. My desire of my heart is the same as Yours, that none should be lost and parish but would be born again in Spirit as they call out to You the Savior of the world. Father please send Your Holy Spirit to do the most miraculous work of salvation in the lives of the lost, and broken. Father anoint Your children today to walk in love sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, may the words we speak be a sweet smelling aroma to You as we offer up our our time and talents to bring glory and honor to the name above all names. Father bless Your people with strength, courage, boldness to do Your will through out this day. Father I pray that You would fill us today to lead and guide us in all we do. I love You Lord Jesus with all my mind, heart, soul and strength. In Your Precious name. Amen

Saturday, April 27, 2013

John 15:15
No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I call you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made know to you.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I'm so blessed that Jesus has called me friend. As His friend, I desire to love others as He has loved. Father I pray by the power of Your Holy Spirit living in me my character would grow to be more loving, joyful, patienter, kinder, gentler and more peaceful. I pray Lord by surrendering my will into Your loving hands Your Spirit would shine through in goodness, faithfulness and Id have greater self control to not wander off to do things my way. Lord Jesus, You have said to go and bear much fruit and that fruit should remain. Lord may all I do and say be done in Your name and for Your glory. May the people in my life know that I loved them, may they know I love them because You first loved me and are showing me the way to love them. Jesus thank You for teaching me the way that is higher and better and leads to life and life more abundantly. Not in possessions but in the peaceful, joyful and loving way that You walked this earth touching and caring for others more than Yourself. There is no greater joy the giving of self to another. You never demanded honor but are the only one worthy of all the praise. Lord I pray that my praises to You are a sweet sweet sound in Your ear. Father I pray that others would know the gift of Your beautiful and precious Son, Jesus Messiah, Lord of all including this little soul that was once lost, but now has the greatest  friend ever!!! I love You Lord. Be with me today, and may we have great adventures together. Where You go I will follow. In the name of the Most High, Jesus, Amen.

Friday, April 26, 2013

John 10:28
And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.

Good Morning Lord,
As I sit here at Your beautiful feet, reading Your words. I am touch deep inside as my eyes fall on the promises You have given. Father You are God, Creator, infinite in power, mighty and not a man that You would lie. You are the keeper of every word breathe by Your Spirit. I believe You sent Your Son to overcome this world, sin and darkness. I believe in the promise of eternal life with You. Thank You that my life is in the palm of Your hand, and nothing can take me from Your grip. Not sickness, sadness or sorrow, nothing from this fallen society. I am safe, and protected. Father I pray for all Your people, who love You and are grieving today, they ache from the loss of loved one, comfort them, may Your peace be upon them, bring to them recall that not even death can snatch those who love You from Your loving hands. Father You have promised we would see them again in a place where there are no more tears a place Jesus has prepared for us. But Father right now they need to be held, soothed and comforted, use us, Your sons and daughter to be Your loving arms to embrace. Give us the words that they long to hear in the hour of their need. Lord I pray for those who need a healing touch today, may they find comfort in Your word. Jesus by the power of Your Holy Spirit heal them from the sickness of sorrows, depression, hopelessness and despair. May they know Lord You will never leave nor forsake them even in a great trial. Lord please speak into their heart so they are assured they are not alone. Jesus thank You for comforting me through my own grief over the loss of my precious mom. I know I will see her again. Thanks for laying down Your life and overcoming the grave. Jesus You are Lord. In Your name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

John 3:3
Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before You this morning with a heart full of gratitude for opening my eye to see You, to fellowship with You, the One who created me, formed me and breathed life into me. Father I'm so blessed to have been reborn by Your Spirit. Not that I was physically born again but that my soul came alive and full when, Jesus became my Lord and Savior. I thank You for the transformation of my heart. I was lost but now found, blind but now see, was dead but now alive. Father I pray for all who have longing in their hearts, that empty space that cause us to seek something more, for it to be satisfie, it's that special place deep inside that is reserved for only You. I pray today Lord many will have the revelation that You gave Your One and only Son, that who ever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. Wow, Lord what a promise, everlasting meaning for eternity! Jesus come in to the lives of those calling out in the darkness, searching for meaning, hope, and truth. Jesus, You are the way, there is no other. It is only by Your Spirit that we may be loved and love others, live in peace and be filled with joy. Holy Spirit have Your way through out the earth. Father may today be a day of rebirth in the lives of people around the world, may today be the day they become Your children, to call You, Abba Father, and say "Daddy this sinner is coming home".  May they know that there is rejoicing in heaven because they have turned from the things of this world and leaped into Your loving arms. Victory in Jesus, the enemy is defeated!  Thank You, Lord for hearing my prayers and the prayers of Your daughters and sons as we cry out Holy Holy is He, worthy is the Lamb, come hear what the Lord has done for us!  He has set us free! Jesus I love You. In Your Precious name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Acts 8:20
But Peter said to him, "Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money!"

Dear Heavenly Father,
You are so loving and kind. You Lord have been so patient with me through the years as Ive grown in fits and starts. At time trying to earn Your love, perhaps not with money, but with striving. I'm saddened at time lost that could have been spent in a more intimate awestruck wonder of You. I reflect on the relationship with my child and regret those time spent with busy, and not just being together. I think upon You my Heavenly Father and how You created me to be in constant fellowship with You and how You have waited patiently as I get through one more chore of the day. At times I only see glimpses of You. I know You never lose sight of me, and that's how I desire to be with You. My eyes, ears and heart fixed on You, the lover of my soul. Jesus You are all I want, need and long for. Forgive me for letting distractions of life take me away from sitting at Your feet. Forgive me for being to physically drained to just wait upon You and what You long to tell me. Reading Your word in the morning when I rise is a treasured time, but I want more of You. Lord I need more of You. By the power of Your Spirit, order my step, may my heart live in humble obedience to follow after You. May my sight be deliberate to see You in the big and little things of life. May praises to You be continually on my lips. And my ears to hear ever word of love resounding through the universe. Jesus, I pray for my friends and family, please draw them closer to You. May they walk in Your ways knowing there is no purchase necessary You've already payed for them. We have not earned Your love by any works of man so none of us may boast. But because You laid down Your life to call us friend. Jesus, walk and talk with us today. We need YOU!!!! Hugs and Kisses. In Your name Jesus, the name above all name I pray. Amen

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mark 1:8
I indeed baptized you with water, But He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Bless the servant who loves You, he  baptized me and others in water, submerging us in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It was a privilege to show the world I repent of my sin, and desire to live a life that honors and blesses You. It is sweet to look back on the memory of that special day. I'm thankful for that day to be identified with Your body, the church. Father I'm also so thankful for being submerged in Your Holy Spirit. I recall that day with such joy! Jesus You gave the greatest gift when You died and rose to new life, and when we believe we are given the promise of eternal life. Lord thank You for the blessing You gave when You said  to the disciples when I go, I will send You another to guide You. Holy Spirit have Your way in me today, stir up the gift You have blessed me with that I may serve You effortlessly, not in my strengthen but with Your might and direction. Father I pray a fresh anointing on Your people, filling us to overflow to touch the lives around us, with peace, love, joy, and encouragement. God grant us wisdom and knowledge by Your Spirit to discern the things of this day and how we may bring light into the darkness, hope to the hurting, peace to the anxious, joy to those who are down trotting, and love to the world that is desperate for truth. Father I pray for all those You have anointing to teach and preach You word, bless them, protect them and strengthen them from the inside out. Fill their hearts and minds with Your goodness, cover them and their beloved families under the shadow of Your wing. Father speak the words You have for them to share and grant them boldness in the appointed time. Father I pray for my brothers and sisters as the draw near to You today You would speak words of love, especially to those who may be struggling to walk in the way in which You have called . Father may we be a people that helps falling or hurting  family member in Christ to get up and continue the race with endurance. Father thank You for calling me Your child. Father may I be used to bless Your Son today by the power of  Your Holy Spirit. I love You, Lord. In Your name Jesus, Amen.

Monday, April 22, 2013

John 8:2 
Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him and He taught them.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for another day. Thank You for all the blessings You have bestowed on me. From the air that I breathe to the smiles of those around me. Thank You Lord for every provision, from the loave that feeds my physical body to the Bread of Life that nourishes my soul. You have said "Donot be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" thank You Lord Jesus that You meet me every morning when I rise teaching me by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Lord I pray this morning You would speak into my heart through Your Holy Word. Teach me the way that is higher and better, mold me and shape me as You desire. Lord I surrender my will into Your loving hands. You are the potter and Im the clay. May my mind be reshaped to think like You, my body reworked to be as You have designed, my heart filled with Your love and compassion for others. Father I pray that Your people would come to You willing to learn and grown, letting go of areas of life that keep us from knowing You to the fullest. Lord remove the idols in our lives that destract us from sitting at Your beautiful feet that always walk in peace. Lord You are all we need. Our ever present help in time of need. Jesus how great thou are, and greatly to be praised. I love You Lord, and pray Your forgiveness over anything that I said or did that hurt You yesterday wash me clean please. Lord I pray that I would have oppurtunities to share Your saving grace with others today. I pray You come into their temples and teach them as well. Thank You Lord for all those who gave their lives to You and where reborn this weekend by confessing their sins and believing in their hearts that You Jesus died and rose again, that You Lord are the only way. Lord I pray that it was not just a emotional response but a true conversion of the heart. Lord protect all Your people today. Jesus Your the mighty fortress around us. Thank You that Your mercies are new every day. In the name of Christ my Lord, Amen

Sunday, April 21, 2013

John 1:6
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all those You have sent into my life to bear witness of Jesus., bless them.  Lord You are the Light of the world, in You there is no darkness at all. In You, Jesus we have our living and being. Jesus be magnified, be glorified and lifted high, there is no other like You. None, no not one. You command the seas, You multiply the loaves and the fish, turn water to wine, open the eyes of the blind, give hearing to the deaf and the lame to walk. You raised the dead. You Lord Jesus reign over all the earth.  Heaven is Your throne and earth Your footstool. You are the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end, the first the last, the bright Morning Star. Jesus Messiah who was and is and is to come. The Fathers only Son, Emmanuel, God with us. Hosanna in the Highest. Blessed are You, Holy are You, the great I AM. Jesus I adore You. May the words of my testimony bring others to believe and have faith in You, Savior of the world. Jesus may I never cease to kissing Your feet. May my banner be lifted high rejoicing at all You have done. May my voice be like the one crying out in the desert, prepare the way of the Lord.  I pray praises to You would continually be on my lips no matter what is happen in my life or in the world around me.  I love You Lord more than words can say. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one come to the Father except through the Son, Bless You for laying down Your life to call me friend, You have payed my debt and set this captive free. You have bound up my broken heart and healed me. Lord I pray that many would be saved today bringing in the harvest, may their name written in Lambs book of Life, and we will one day be around Your banquet table rejoice together. In the name of Christ the King, Jesus of Nazareth, Amen

Saturday, April 20, 2013

John 10:5
Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of a stranger."

Heavenly Father,
I thank you that You have given me ears to hear the beauty of Your voice. Thank You Father for discernment to know the difference between the seductive, luring, and enticing sound of the deceiver that can be masked as something wonderful, but leads to death and the gentle, loving and tender voice of my Savior. Jesus draw me nearer. Speak in to our hearts today of things that are good, pure, noble and lovely. Father I come before You and ask that just as a shepherd goes after one lost sheep, You would scoop up the wee lamb that has gone astray. Father be gracious to the one who has wondered away from the fold, restore them to Your flock. Father, I also pray that You would open the ears of those who are following the wrong voice, the one that seek to mame, kill and destroy. Father my heart is heavy today thinking of all who have heard Jesus voice and fled from Him thinking he was a stranger. Knowingly or unknowingly turning from You and not receiving the greatest gift ever. Father, three things I pray You would set captives free from lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life.  Father have Your way in the lives of those who are following the wolf in sheep's clothing. Father may today be the day of their Salvation, may there be rejoicing in heaven at sinners coming home. Jesus, Savior of the world may every knee bow and tongue confess, You are Lord of all. You are the Prince of Peace, Holy One, Everlasting God, I love and adore You and grateful serve You. Bless Your children this day meet their needs what ever they my be. May Your glory shine in and through our lives today by the power of the Holy Spirit.   In the name of Christ the King, Amen

Friday, April 19, 2013

John 8:10
When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the women, He said to her, "Women where are those accusers of yours?" Has no one condemned you?"

How Gracious is Your love for us O' Lord. You died for the ones You love, there is no greater love than this. Father I pray all would have a deeper revelation once forgiven You do not condemn us. Father I pray that all would turn to You repenting of sin, and Jesus overwhelming love would cause such rejoicing sin can't keep them bound in shame or guilt.  Father, Your love is deeper that the deepest ocean, higher the the highest mountain, more than the grains of sand, may we share that love with others. Lord may we not stand around those who are tangled in sin ready to throw stones, but willing to stretch out our arms, to embrace, console, encourage as we recall the sinner we once where and how You saved us.  Father I pray that we would love as Jesus love, forgive as Jesus forgave, show mercy the way Jesus showed mercy and be gracious to all by the gift of the Holy Spirit that lives within us. Lord, thank you protecting me from those who wanted to condemn me, discard me and cast me off.  Thank You Jesus for being my very best friend! Jesus I pray for all those who are lost and are walking aimlessly around, feeling worthless, abandoned, alone may they be as Hagar when You opened her eyes and she saw the well of water. Lord may many come and drink of Your mercy and grace today. Jesus You are the well spring of life, in You we are refreshed, renewed and reborn. In the Beautiful name of Jesus, Amen.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

John 6:2
Then a great multitude followed Him, because they saw His signs which He preformed on those who where diseased.

Dear Holy Father,
Thank You for healing so many of my friends and family this passed week. Thank You that the healing is on it way to many others by the power of the Holy Spirit. Father it is wonderful that many follow after Jesus because they saw what He has done in their lives, hallelujah!   Jesus, You  also said "Thomas because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."  Lord that is so humbling to think upon. Forgive me for the times my faith wants to see immediate results. Forgive me that at times my faith is not childlike but more childish. I want to follow after You because You are who You say You are Savior of the world!  If  You were to never do one more thing for me, You have already given me more than I deserve. You have already given the greatest gift, forgiveness for my sins and eternal life through Your shed blood. Father I pray for all those who not yet believe may they take a leap of faith, surrender their heart to Jesus Christ the Risen One. Lord I pray for those who are imprisoned, who know who You and are clinging to the hope that You have not forgotten them.  Father free them today, swing open the cell doors, return them to their loved ones may they testify of Your love. Father they are so faithful and pure of heart. Intercede on their behalf. Thank You Lord for the hearing my prayers for all those who need a healing touch this day. You are the great Physician, thank you for the miracles, however You chose to give and grant them. They are wonderful and Lord I stand in awe of YOU! Jesus I love You. In Your Holy name,  Amen.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

John 1:8
He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

Heavenly Father,
You know my folly, You know my faults, Your know my failings but yet Your love covers a multitude of sins. Bless You Jesus for laying down Your life to call me friend. Jesus You overcame the grave, victory is Yours. I stand in awe that You so lovingly covered my sins with Your precious blood, so I may walk with You and talk with Our Father. May my robe be a garment of praise to You. By the power of Your Holy Spirit fill me today to bear witness of You, the Light of the world.  Lord You are the only One worthy of praise. May my voice be the one crying out in the wilderness of another soul, Jesus has Risen, He is Emmanuel, God with us. Rejoice, turn from the ways of the world, follow after  Him, He lives!  Open the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf to see and hear all the good things You have to give. Father open the throats of those who have been suppressed, have been beaten down, neglected may they cry out to You and know You are there. Lord hear the cries of the hurting even if it is barely audible. You hear all that is said even in the darkness, come Lord Jesus come in to the darkness, bring forth life by the power of Your Spirit. Hear the cries of the children who are abused, trapped and imprisoned. Lord use the words of my testimony to set others free, for whom the Son has set free is free indeed. Thank You Lord that You have set me free. Jesus, Messiah, Savior and King in Your name I pray. Amen

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

John 1:5
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Dear Jesus, Light of the world,
Shine brightly in my life. Father I pray that Your most precious and beautiful Son shine in my life for all to see. May those around me know with out a doubt that I was a sinner saved by grace. Once gripped by the power of darkness in the form of anxiety and fear but Jesus' perfect and pure love casted it out. Jesus You are Lord of my life, I love You with all that is in my small tattered heart. I pray for all those Lord who are still living in darkness struggling and groping for relief, help, truth, purpose and life. Lord lift them from the miry pit of despair. Shine Your love, mercy and grace so brightly in their lives that they will no longer deny the truth. You are the Messiah, Healer, and Redeemer, may they taste and see You are good, oh so very good. Thank You Lord for changing me from the inside out, removing all the outer layers to reveal that it is You illuminating my soul. Father use me today to share Your love, may I be Your hands and feet. May the words of my testimony pierce the empty, dark, harden heart of another, bring them to life in Christ. May every knee bow and tongue confess Jesus is Lord. Father I pray that presence of the Holy Spirit be in Boston, bringing comfort, clarity and wisdom to the awful darkness that fell on the marathon yesterday. Father may the healing hands of Jesus be upon those who where injured. Jesus may You heal the hearts and mind of those who are scared and confused. Give wisdom to those who lead to bring justice. May the innocent run to Your loving arms not from Your warm tender, embrace. Lord Shine Your love down on them. Jesus You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. In Your name I pray, Amen

Monday, April 15, 2013

Acts 12:22
And the people kept shouting, "The voice of a god not of man!"

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for opening my eyes to behold what is true, that no mortal man can sit on Your throne. Father, there is pride all around, so much exalting of self, so much denial of Your greatness. Lord You are deity, supreme, there is no other. I pray Lord for those who continue to blasphemy Your Spirit. Have mercy on them. Your word says pride comes before a fall. Lord reveal Yourself to those who are decieved thinking they have any control or power. Only You are sourvgein. Father soften the harden hearts in this world to recieve Jesus's love, mercy and grace. Jesus I'm Yours. Lord You are great and greatly to be praises. Fill me today to do Your will, walk in humitlity, help those in need, be a friend to the friendless, to encourage those who are struggling.  Father bless my brother and sister for their faithfulness. I thank You for each one, who walks along side me serving You, blessing You, worshiping You. Jesus we lift You high today that all the world will see how great You are. Jesus You conquered the grave, You regien over all the earth and all that is in it. May praises to You be continually on our lips. In the name above all name Jesus, Amen

Sunday, April 14, 2013

John 4:7
A women of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give Me a drink."

Dear Heavenly Father,
Bless You for Your Son Jesus. Bless You  for Your word, the fount that I drink from. Your love quenches my dry soul. Lord I pray if anyone thirsts may they come to You and thirst no more, for You are the streams of life. Jesus, You asked  the women for a drink of water, and I reflect on how many times You have asked me and I stood there puzzled. You also have said anyone who has given a cup a cold water to the least of these you have done for me. Forgive me Lord for the times when I have seen someone in need and pasted by not given them the hope that refreshes.  Forgive me Lord, I didn't look close enough into their faces to see it was You asking. Father, I pray that today I may I have opportunities to reach down into the well of my heart and give a cup of love, to another who is in a dry and weary land endlessly searching for something to drink.  May the truth of  Your forgiven be what I pour and offer to another.  Father open my eyes to see those in whom to share, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, come drink of His goodness and you will never thirst again. Lord I pray for my brother and sisters in Christ that are facing huge challenges, that as they walk the dusty, dirty bumpy road of life You would rain down on them, what is needed, a healing touch, a financial blessing, wisdom.  I pray we may truly know the Gift of God, Jesus You are Everlasting. You Lord satisfy me. In Your Holy name Christ, Amen.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

1 Timothy 4:6

But she who lives in pleasure is dead while she lives.

Good morning, Lord,
Thank You for restful sleep. Holy Spirit teach me the way that are higher and better. The way that leads to life and life more abundant. Father, I pray that You open my eyes to see the areas of life where worldly enjoyment is outweighing a life of godliness. Forgive me Lord for allowing distractions take me away from the gift You have given. Lord lead me away from indulgences that do not edify and lead to death. Father, I pray that Jesus would be glorified in and through me. Oh, Father how marvelous the world would be if we were all humble and submitting to You. What a wonderful world that would be. I cling to the hope and promises that will come, but for now let me meditate on Your words, continuing on the road of sanctification, that will bless Your Holy name. To bring honor to the one true living God, You my Savior, Lord of all. Father, deepen our revelation of Your love, how You unselfishly give, because it is Your good pleasure to do so. May we experience that same enjoyment as we delight ourselves in You while giving to others. Father, I stand in awe of You as I gaze upon the beauty that You have created that surrounds me. The trees, birds, sky and the faces of the people around me, it is sheer pleasure to praise You for all that You have made and said it is very good. Father, bring to life the dead or dormant areas of our lives, restore relationship, revive the passion for You that in some has waned, refresh the tired servants who serve You night and day never letting the lamp go out. Bless You Lord for the abundance You have given. May our hands and hearts be open to share Your love near and far. I love You Lord and pray that my life is a reflection of that love. Jesus You are my preference, and my wish are to be with You forever. In Your name I pray, Amen.

Friday, April 12, 2013

John 4:20
Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in "Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship."

Dear Heavenly Father,
David wrote in the Psalms "Peace be within you,"  Thank You for the filling of the Holy Spirit, so I may worship You where I dwell.  Your peace dwelling within me leaves no room for fear, worry, not even an anxious thought can remain in Your presence, only Your perfect peace residing in this body Your temple, Wow Lord!  Thank You! Thank You! Thank You  for being with me that I only need to bow my head, bend my knee, raise up Holy hands and let my heart speak and You are there in the quiet listening.  Closer than a brother. Father I pray that our praises and thanksgiving would be a sweet smelling aroma rising up across the land. And Your Light within us would shine bright illuminating the way for others to come home. Jesus You are on the throne of my life, I worship and adore only You my King.  Jesus you are the Lord of the Sabbath, as we abide in You may every moment be of rest. Thank You Lord for forgiving me when I confess my wrongs, cleansing my heart making it pure. No long journey across the world necessary for You are the atonement for my sins and the sins of others. Return to my the joy of my Salvation may I never forget how You rebuilt this temple. Thank You Lord that You are with me even to the end of the age.  Jesus, Messiah,  Lord of all, blessed Redeemer, King of king  and Lord of lord, the only one worthy of all our praise. Amen

Thursday, April 11, 2013

John 3:34
For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure.

Good Morning Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Lord You are indivisible, three in one, I stand in awe of You. So great and greatly to be praised. Father I pray, unite Your children in the bonds of love. May Your church  stand  firm as one as we hope and trust in You. Father forgive us for the times we do not see, are quick to judge or grow weary in doing good. Strengthen us from with in by Your Spirit that we may have a mind like Christ. Lord I pray that we would walk humbly with You our blessed Creator, who is Alpha and Omega. Jesus thank You for covering our sins that we may walk with You in the garden of Your goodness. Let us not dwell on things of the earth but on the wonders from above, where love, kindness, goodness, gentleness rain down and bring refreshing. Father surround us with peace today.  Jesus speak into our hearts and minds the words of God the Father by the Holy Spirit who comforts and counsels leading us to serve as You have served. Thank You Lord for all the prayers answered both big and small. Father may all glory be given to You, for Your mercy and grace are forever. Oh how I love You Lord may I spend the day counting all the ways You have blessed me with abundance. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hebrews 2:1
Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You Lord are Majesty, Creator, and Redeemer. Thank You Lord for opening my ears to hear of Your unselfish love. Your mercy and grace that no human can give. Loves Divine. Bless You Lord for those You have sent into my life to speak truth that has set me free. As I recall the early days of my salvation, I remember the special people You sent and ask Lord bless each one who intentionally cared enough to want me to spend eternity with You. Father sharpen my hearing to absorb all that You long to tell me. Jesus, You are the rock in which I cling, the mighty fortress around me, my shelter and protection. I pray that the waves and storms of life not pull me out to sea away from Your love.  I pray that I would have a heart that diligently seeks You and heeds Your every word spoken in the scriptures. Lord I pray that the popular opinions of the world around me would not lead me into spiritual sluggishness causing me to bob around with no destination. Instead may Your Holy Spirit increase in me to stand the test of time until the day You call me home to heavenly rest. Jesus I want to bath in the ocean of Your love.  Lord I pray that You be the anchor in all our lives that keeps us from drifting off. Jesus You are my life guard. I love You Lord. In Christ name, Amen

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

John 6:66
From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.

O Father what a dreadful thought and reality that many who once knew You, walk away. As I sit at Your feet I think upon my loved ones who say they know You but are not walking with You, my heart is broken.  Broken because You are wonder and majesty, the only One worthy of all our praise the giver of life and all good things. Broken hearted that they have turned away. Jesus, You said Father forgive them they know not what they do. Father, maybe they do know what they have done, maybe they don't care of the consequences and maybe they don't even realize what they have done but Lord I ask the same, forgive them.  Father draw the prodigals home to Your loving arms, Father hear my heart cry that I may rejoice with You and the heavens as these sinners come home. Sweet Jesus if I have found favor with You hear me now, please appear in the lives of people who are so dear to me. Your word says delight yourself in You and You would give the desire of our hearts, Lord, You are my only delight and  my one true desire is to see the miracle of salvation take place in the lives of my loved ones. Lord come quickly, do not tarry as my soul cries out, may all be reconciled to You through the cross and by they power of Your Spirit. Jesus I love You and bless Your Holy name. Amen.

Monday, April 8, 2013

James 2:22
Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?

Dear Holy Father,
Thank you for the opportunities to share my faith in You with others. Forgive me for picking and choosing where and when works should be done or my availability to do your will. Lord I stand in awe of Your greatness that when I am humble, listen and obey, submitting to You, You do the most incredible perfect work in and through me. Thank You Lord for opening my eyes to see the open doors to touch other lives, giving glory to Jesus. Father I pray that You would increase my faith to be used to do more for Your Kingdom. Lord I thank You for each youth that was touch by Your Holy Spirit this weekend, may the faith and works of Your people be made perfect in their lives. Lord I pray that we would not be a people who say yes I believe, and say to the lost, hurting and hungry, "Depart in peace be warmed and filled ," but we do not give them the things which are needed for the body. Lord, deepen our revelation that this profits nothing. Lord may our hearts be willing to share are testimonies with others to warm them with hope, to feed their starving soul, giving them strength to endure the trails, heart ache and pain they face. Lord fill us today with Your Holy Spirit, stir up  the gifts within us to love and serve one another. Jesus thank You for choosing me, for loving me and being my best friend. May all the I do and speak bring honor to You this day. In Your Mighty name Jesus, Amen.

Friday, April 5, 2013

John 20:26
A week later His disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"

Dear Heavenly Father,
I marvel at how Jesus came and stood with them a second time in a locked room. Thank You Lord for filling me with Your Spirit for I was once locked and closed tight with fear from the world around me and those who desired to harm me. Father Your word says the Kingdom of God is with you, thank You for Your peace that resides inside, thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit that not only heals my heart and mind but my physical body from within. That same Spirit that raise Your precious Son Jesus Christ from the dead lives in me. Lord I just am in awe of You, may the Holy Spirit have His way in every fiber, organ, muscle, bone, joint in my body restoring what the enemy seeks to devour. Father I pray that Your Spirit would heal from the inside out each one of my loved ones that are so dear to me and are crying out in pain. From the simplest cold to cancer, from skin irritations to heart transplants, from impaired vision to blocked digestion, From fractured bones to fractured minds. Jesus do miracles, You are the same today as yesterday. Unending mercy and grace be glorified in Your people today. Lord I love You and thank You that You have appeared in me life changing me from the inside out. Jesus You are my Hero, my Champion and my very best Friend. In Your beautiful name I pray. Amen

Thursday, April 4, 2013

James 5:12
Above all, my brothers, do not swear-not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "Yes," be yes and your "No ," no or you will be condemned.

Heavenly Father,
I say Yes to Jesus, I say Yes to Your will for my life, I say Yes to how You desire to use me today, I say Yes to I believe Your every Word as it is written.  Lord I say No to things of this world that do not satisfy, I say No to the enemy who seeks to mame, kill and destroy my life by robing me of intamcy with You,  I say No to myself when I start to stray or drift off the straight and narrow path. Father I pray that You would stregthen me to walk and live as You have written. Lord by Your Holy Spirit make me strong to resist the devil when he tries to entice me to do things I know are not healthy, such as eating sugary fat filled foods, not working out, ect.... Father I pray for my brother and sisters that they too would remain strong, not falling or stumbling over the things that distract and are unedifiying. Let us not be as infants tossed back and forth by the waves and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their decietful schemeing.  Lord I pray that many who do not know You, they would say Yes Jesus come into my life and have Your way. Lord I Pray that by that simple three letter word many names will be written in the Lambs book of life to have an eternity of love. Father give boldness to those who need to say No, that the enemy will be under their feet. Father I pray that we would glorify You today day saying Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Lord, Amen. In the perfect name of Jesus, Amen

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

John 2:16
And He said to those who sold doves, "Take these things away! Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise!"

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your Son the Prince of Peace, the One whom John bore witness to saying "I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and He remained upon Him. Lord I pray that I would not buy or sell a dove that offers a false sense of peace. A peace that is emotional or one thats comfort is short lived but I would dwell in Your house free of the things of this world. May I be surrounded by the beauty of Your Holiness bask in Your presence that is perfect peace. Lord I pray that You would remove the things from my life that are distractions and ornamantations that inhibit me from sitting at Your feet. Let me throw off every weight and sin that so easily ensares me and run into Your loving arms. Jesus You are the Messiah blessed are You who comes into my home and clears my mind of all doubt, fear, pride, confusion, striving that overwheming feeling as I look at all that needs to be done, and more.  May You have dominion over every area of my life. Lord cleanse my temple, my heart of all the things that are not pleasing to You. Lord I pray You fill me with Your Spirit,  shroud my feet in peace so I may walk humble with You.  I pray Lord that You would bless Your people today with Your peaceful presence minister to them in the queit moment of their busy lives, may they finding refreshing in only You. In Jesus precious name. Amen

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Romans 11:29

For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.

Good morning, Father,
What a wonderful word, irrevocable to know and understand that You will not undo or change the gifts and calling You have given me. Father thank You!  What sweet rest You give, comfort knowing I can come to You and say well Lord I didn't handle that so well or feels like I fell short on this or that and let You down. But Your love so amazing You don't retract it or pull the rug from under, Your goodness, tenderness, gentleness constant, leading and guiding me in the direction You have called me to. Lord, I pray that You would be the lamp to my feet today lighting every next step. Jesus there are so many things, good things that tug for my attention but Lord place me where You desire for me to be used for Your glory. Keep my eyes Lord Jesus focused on You to not miss the mark or calling that You have for me. Father, I pray the same for all my brothers and sister in Christ that they will not be distracted or slumber from what You have called them to do as well. Lord, I surrender this day into You loving hands have Your way. And thank You for the peace knowing Your arms are always around me and my destination has not changed, to be with You forever! In Jesus name Amen.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Titus 2:11
For the Grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the gift of Your Son. Thank You for the day of my salvation. Lord I pray that all who do not know You, but where present in Your house yesterday and heard the good news of Your Son Jesus Christ would surrender their lives as the words of truth marinade in their hearts. Father I thank You that this Easter reaped a great harvest for the Kingdom. Much rejoicing in heaven for sinners coming home. The turning of heart of those bound by rituals, trying to earn their way to You, all coming to the knowledge of the truth of grace. That it is not by works of man that no one should boast.  Thank You Jesus for the cross, Hallelujah! You over came the grave, praises that You have Risen!. May all the earth rejoice and sing!  Father I pray for the stubborn, prideful ones thinking they are unworthy and refuse to receive Your mercy. None of us are worthy to receive You but You have said it so no one come to the Father, only through the Son. Lord may false pride be broken, bringing the hard of hearts to their knees repenting of unworthiness and embracing loves Divine for a new day has come. Jesus You are Lord, Ruler over water, earth and sky and each one of us. I love You Lord and glad You have opened my eyes to see the truth that has set me free!  Anoint the lips of Your people to continue to share Your unending love, that is in the form of mercy and grace. May Your Holy Spirit cover us in peace. In Jesus Holy name, Amen