Monday, April 29, 2013

John 18:12
Then the detachment of troops and the captain and the officers of the Jews arrested Jesus and bound Him.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Your beautiful and precious Son has set us free by given the greatest gift no human could give, salvation. But yet as believers we detach ourselves from the Your body and follow false leaders who desire to bind up the One who has set us free. Forgive us for wanting to return to the law, rituals, and religious practices that exalt us and rob the glory from You the most awesome One. Jesus You are Lord of all, there is none like You. No one greater. Lord I pray that we would be a people who worship You in Spirit and Truth.  Rejoicing that You have set the captives free, there are no shackles on our feet and we can dance. Father thank You that once forgiveness through Your Son is sought, You are merciful and gracious and sin is no more. As far as east is from the west, never to meet again. Father, I think upon the wonder of east in one direction and west in the other I imagine Jesus out stretched arms on the cross one pointing the east and the other to the west and the thought of amazing grace washes over me. He's action saying I love you this much. Father thank You for another day to share Your love with others. To bring glory and honor to the One who made me, the One who saved me and the One who fills me. Jesus Savior of the world be glorified today in all I do and say.  I love You with all that is in this little human heart. Jesus bless my church family today, help them in what ever area of life they need Your hands to touch. Hear their prayers and answer them in the way only You can and know is best. Lift them up Lord and give them strength, comfort and wisdom in all the challenges and trials they face. I thank You for each and everyone of them. You have blessed me beyond measure. Thank You. In the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen

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