John 8:2
Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him and He taught them.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for another day. Thank You for all the blessings You have bestowed on me. From the air that I breathe to the smiles of those around me. Thank You Lord for every provision, from the loave that feeds my physical body to the Bread of Life that nourishes my soul. You have said "Donot be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" thank You Lord Jesus that You meet me every morning when I rise teaching me by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Lord I pray this morning You would speak into my heart through Your Holy Word. Teach me the way that is higher and better, mold me and shape me as You desire. Lord I surrender my will into Your loving hands. You are the potter and Im the clay. May my mind be reshaped to think like You, my body reworked to be as You have designed, my heart filled with Your love and compassion for others. Father I pray that Your people would come to You willing to learn and grown, letting go of areas of life that keep us from knowing You to the fullest. Lord remove the idols in our lives that destract us from sitting at Your beautiful feet that always walk in peace. Lord You are all we need. Our ever present help in time of need. Jesus how great thou are, and greatly to be praised. I love You Lord, and pray Your forgiveness over anything that I said or did that hurt You yesterday wash me clean please. Lord I pray that I would have oppurtunities to share Your saving grace with others today. I pray You come into their temples and teach them as well. Thank You Lord for all those who gave their lives to You and where reborn this weekend by confessing their sins and believing in their hearts that You Jesus died and rose again, that You Lord are the only way. Lord I pray that it was not just a emotional response but a true conversion of the heart. Lord protect all Your people today. Jesus Your the mighty fortress around us. Thank You that Your mercies are new every day. In the name of Christ my Lord, Amen
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