John 10:5
Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of a stranger."
Heavenly Father,
I thank you that You have given me ears to hear the beauty of Your voice. Thank You Father for discernment to know the difference between the seductive, luring, and enticing sound of the deceiver that can be masked as something wonderful, but leads to death and the gentle, loving and tender voice of my Savior. Jesus draw me nearer. Speak in to our hearts today of things that are good, pure, noble and lovely. Father I come before You and ask that just as a shepherd goes after one lost sheep, You would scoop up the wee lamb that has gone astray. Father be gracious to the one who has wondered away from the fold, restore them to Your flock. Father, I also pray that You would open the ears of those who are following the wrong voice, the one that seek to mame, kill and destroy. Father my heart is heavy today thinking of all who have heard Jesus voice and fled from Him thinking he was a stranger. Knowingly or unknowingly turning from You and not receiving the greatest gift ever. Father, three things I pray You would set captives free from lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Father have Your way in the lives of those who are following the wolf in sheep's clothing. Father may today be the day of their Salvation, may there be rejoicing in heaven at sinners coming home. Jesus, Savior of the world may every knee bow and tongue confess, You are Lord of all. You are the Prince of Peace, Holy One, Everlasting God, I love and adore You and grateful serve You. Bless Your children this day meet their needs what ever they my be. May Your glory shine in and through our lives today by the power of the Holy Spirit. In the name of Christ the King, Amen
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