John 20:26
A week later His disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!"
Dear Heavenly Father,
I marvel at how Jesus came and stood with them a second time in a locked room. Thank You Lord for filling me with Your Spirit for I was once locked and closed tight with fear from the world around me and those who desired to harm me. Father Your word says the Kingdom of God is with you, thank You for Your peace that resides inside, thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit that not only heals my heart and mind but my physical body from within. That same Spirit that raise Your precious Son Jesus Christ from the dead lives in me. Lord I just am in awe of You, may the Holy Spirit have His way in every fiber, organ, muscle, bone, joint in my body restoring what the enemy seeks to devour. Father I pray that Your Spirit would heal from the inside out each one of my loved ones that are so dear to me and are crying out in pain. From the simplest cold to cancer, from skin irritations to heart transplants, from impaired vision to blocked digestion, From fractured bones to fractured minds. Jesus do miracles, You are the same today as yesterday. Unending mercy and grace be glorified in Your people today. Lord I love You and thank You that You have appeared in me life changing me from the inside out. Jesus You are my Hero, my Champion and my very best Friend. In Your beautiful name I pray. Amen
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