Wednesday, April 3, 2013

John 2:16
And He said to those who sold doves, "Take these things away! Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise!"

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your Son the Prince of Peace, the One whom John bore witness to saying "I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and He remained upon Him. Lord I pray that I would not buy or sell a dove that offers a false sense of peace. A peace that is emotional or one thats comfort is short lived but I would dwell in Your house free of the things of this world. May I be surrounded by the beauty of Your Holiness bask in Your presence that is perfect peace. Lord I pray that You would remove the things from my life that are distractions and ornamantations that inhibit me from sitting at Your feet. Let me throw off every weight and sin that so easily ensares me and run into Your loving arms. Jesus You are the Messiah blessed are You who comes into my home and clears my mind of all doubt, fear, pride, confusion, striving that overwheming feeling as I look at all that needs to be done, and more.  May You have dominion over every area of my life. Lord cleanse my temple, my heart of all the things that are not pleasing to You. Lord I pray You fill me with Your Spirit,  shroud my feet in peace so I may walk humble with You.  I pray Lord that You would bless Your people today with Your peaceful presence minister to them in the queit moment of their busy lives, may they finding refreshing in only You. In Jesus precious name. Amen

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