Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Matthew 11:28

Come to Me, all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You are my hiding place and my shield. I hope in Your word. Uphold me according to Your word, that I may live. Your word is pure, therefore Your servant loves it. I arise before the dawning of the morning, and cry for help. I hope in Your word. Great are Your tender mercies. Revive me, O Lord according to Your loving kindness.  Lord when You called for all those who are heavy laden, at that time You where speaking to those who where suffering under heavy loads of religious responsibilities, but Lord I pray the same may be true today for me as I suffer under physical ills that rob me of joy. Weighed down with thought of how to care and love myself in the midst of this disease. I wonder how I can go on and fill the greatest commandment to love You, and my neighbor as myself. I know I love You Lord, You are all I have. The struggle comes in when I try to care for my current health condition and the frustration rises and I think it is much easier to love others than to love myself because I would just rather leave this body behind. Father I must confess I really hate this sickness, it deplete me of energy, it's relentless gnawing keeps me from serving You in the way my heart desires to do so. Father I pray for all those today that are suffering for chronic illness, that leave them feeling battered by the storms that rage within there physical bodies. Rain down healing by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Touch those who are sore, achy and have constant pain. Father do miracles today just because You can. Jesus be magnified, glorified through hospitals, nursing home and rehab facilities. You Lord Jesus are and always will be the great I am. Your mercies endure forever. Blessed be Your name Jesus in whom I put my hope and trust. I love You Lord with all my heart, even though my body groans. Lord may I climb into Your loving arms and rest.  In the powerful and mighty name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior who sits on the throne, Amen.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Matthew 10:39

He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

Dear Heavenly Father,
How precious and beautiful Your Son is. Perfection in all ways. The greatest gift ever given when the hour came that the Son of Man would be glorified. Illustration of this love in the words of John 12:24
and most assuredly You have said it, " Unless a grain of wheat falls in to the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain." Oh Lord Jesus, You are like that grain of wheat, producing much fruit. You turn the hearts to the Father. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things become new. Lord when I think about a seed and the shedding of the outer shell, so life may spring forth, I'm in awe. My own shell has restricted me. That cumbersome, hard outer shell of self protection, pride, and fear that has kept me from growing and living has now been removed by Your mercy and grace. You have brought forth fruit in me by the power of Your Holy Spirit, I pray will feed many. Many fear the laying down of their lives clinging to things of this world, but Lord truly I have found there is no better way than to live for You and Your glory. You are the vine Lord and I really am just a twig. You Lord are my souls source of nourishment. Lord as You prune away the dead areas of my life I pray that much fruit would come forth. Lord I pray to always abide in You for I can do nothing without You. I come before You with a basket in my arms empty and willing to receive the fruits of Your Spirit in the shapes and forms of love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. A double portion of self control please. May these be plentiful so they spill out in to the world around me for others to taste and see You are good. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Mark 8:16

And they reasoned among themselves, saying "It is because we have no bread."

My Lord, and my God, how You responded with questions that rebuke and correct. With questions such as; "Why do you reason because you have no bread?, Do you not yet perceive nor understand is your heart still hardened?, Having eyes, do you not see?, And ears, do you not hear? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up? Also, when I broke the seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up? How is it that you do not understand?"  Lord You have warned us to be careful of the leaven, which is hypocrisy. Even a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Let me sweep all leaven from my life today. May the powerful influence to sin pass over the doorway of my heart. Jesus, You are the Passover lamb that has taken away my sin and the sins of the world. I pray my relationship with You Lord would not be contaminated with any form of darkness or pretense of having virtue, but be nourished by the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Let me shun profane and idle babbling, for they will bring more ungodliness. Father I pray that my conduct would be with fear, knowing that I was not redeemed with corruptible things, but with the precious blood of  Christ, as of a lamb without spot or blemish. Father, all miracles point to Your power the same power that raise Your beautiful Son Jesus from the dead. May my words and actions today be in commemoration of the day of my deliverance from slavery of sin to new life in Christ. Let me remember Jesus You are sinless and perfect. Male. Young when You where slain. Lived a meticulously examined life. Died publicly, and despised. Not one of Your bones broken. Your blood was the sign of Your death. You Lord Jesus are the fulfillment of the scriptures. Father give them ears to hear and eyes to see the glory of the Resurrection, may every knee bow and tongue confess, Jesus is Lord. In His name I pray. Amen 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mark 1:45

However, he went out and began to proclaim it freely, and to spread the matter, so that Jesus could no longer openly enter the city, but was outside in deserted places; and they came to Him from every direction.

How truly wonderful and amazing You are Lord Jesus. As I've come kneeling before You, looking to You for healing, cleansing and restoration, praying for Your willingness. You are always moved with compassion. Your willingness to wash me, heal me and make me whole is remarkable. Lord sometime the healing I need isn't in the physical but from emotional scars that have left me to feel as a leper or outcast. Social awkwardness, passed rejection, and shyness have often left me isolated and alone. Reflecting on the time You cleansed the leper, I'm awestruck. He was the outcast, but You traded places with Him, You could no longer openly enter the city so went out side the it's boarder into the lonely places where the leper once dwelt. Your compassion Jesus has no limits for the despised, helpless, hopeless and rejected. Bless You Lord for being the perfect example of loving kindness in the form of unselfish love. Lord You are my best friend, confidant, adviser  and comforter. I pray Lord that I would be obedient to Your voice, listening intently to hear when and to whom You desire for me to proclaim the good news. I'm sorry for the times my excitement and enthusiasm has gone on ahead before You where ready to reveal Yourself. Father I have such a strong desire to share Your word with others, see their faith as they receive Your forgiveness, and the miracles that follow in lives that are transformed by Your mercy and grace. May I rise and follow after You. Lead me Lord to those who are outcasts, social lepers and alone, let me be Your outstretched arms to comfort and hold. Make me an ambassador of Your love. May my scars be a soothing balm of hope for another soul. Not wasted by being hid away under self protection but exposed for Your glory. In blessed name of Jesus, Amen

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Revelation 2:4

Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You are the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. You are not the God of the dead but of the living. The One I pray to as David did when he left You his first love. Psalm 51. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to the multitude of Your tender mercies. Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, I have sinned, and done this evil in Your sight. That You may be found just when You speak, and blameless when You judge. Behold, I brought forth iniquity, and in my sin my mother conceived me. Behold You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me hear joy and gladness, that my bones You have broken will rejoice. Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out my my iniquities. Create in my a clean heart, O God. And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence. And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation. And uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to You. Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God, the God of my salvation. And my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness. O Lord, open my lips, And my mouth shall show forth Your praise. For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it. You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, and broken and contrite heart. These, O God You will not despise. Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and a new day to love You my Lord my God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind and with all my strength. You Jesus are my first love, above all else. In You beautiful name I pray, Amen.

Friday, July 26, 2013

James 1:12

Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised those who love Him.

Dear Lord I will seek You. And to You God I will commit my cause. You are the one who does great things, unsearchable and marvelous things without number. You give rain to the earth, and send water on the fields. Behold, I am happy when you correct me, I do not despise the chastening of You Almighty God. I am more afraid Lord to come out from under Your covering. Jesus You are the Alpha and Omega who is coming and Your reward is with You to give to everyone according to their work. Knowing one day I will receive a crown is a powerful incentive to be obedient here and now because I will have something to lay at Your feet, for all glory and honor is Yours forever and ever. I pray when the time comes to stand before Your judgement seat it will be a time of supreme joy, not one of regret for all the times I didn't rise to serve You.  I pray Lord to endure temptations of this world and overcoming them by intimate fellowship with You, my strength and shield. My aim Lord is to be well pleasing to You, not looking to the right or left, not seeking approval from others, but eyes and heart fix on Your victory. I thank You Lord that in Christ I am a new creation; old things have passed away and I behold all things have become new. I pray all will be reconciled to You Jesus Christ. You died for me so I may live and no longer live for myself but for You who died and rose again. May other be blessed with the same. I pray Lord for an increase in endurance to hold fast to my confession, I have been washed with pure water. Father I pray for Your children who are tempted to draw back, which will led them to destruction. Increase our faith that is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Let us not return to the law losing our eternal reward at Your judgement seat. Jesus You are the Messiah, the One true King, Lord of all. Reign in me. Fill me with Your Spirit to say no to every temptation. Jesus be glorified. Amen.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

John 6:9

"There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fishes, but what are they among so many?"

Dear Heavenly Father,
Your Spirit my Lord my God  is upon me. You have sent those who have preached good tidings to me when I was humbled. You have healed my broken heart given me hope. I was a captive, You liberated. You unshackled my chains that kept me bound. You opened my ears to hear the proclaiming of the acceptable day of salvation, the year I've been redeemed. You comforted me when I mourned, giving me beauty for ashes and pouring the oil of joy upon me. When I was heavy laden You gave me a garment of praise. You have lavished Your love on me. May all the glory of this life You have given me be Yours. Jesus You are my cup and portion. Forgive me Lord for I am short sighted, thinking all I have to give is five loaves and a few fish, to feed the lost, hurting, broken and bound. You have filled my plate with an abundance of truth, understanding and sacred blessings. Let me not forget all that You have done for me through the years. The spiritual wisdom, and knowledge from a lifetime of trials, challenges and heartbreak has left more than a few fragment of fish to feed others who are facings giants of their own. Lord use me. May Your love pour out through me to be substance to nourish other's souls. Let my life's basket be that in which others may feed from, growing strong in faith, peace and hope as they trust in You Jesus. Lord I pray the people will sit down at Your feet, wait upon You, as You give thanks and make intercession for them to the Father. Jesus You said "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst." Lord You are the bread that has come down from heaven and gives life to the world.  I pray for all to taste and see You are good. I give thanks to You for You are my daily bread today and everyday. I love You Lord. In You bountiful name Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

James 2:14

What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?

Good morning Lord,
I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart. May I proclaim the good news of righteousness. Not restraining my lips. I declare Your faithfulness and Your salvation. Let me not conceal Your loving kindness and truth. Father let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You. Let such as love Your salvation say continually, the Lord be magnified. Even though I am pour and needy, You Lord think upon me. You are my help and my deliverer. I pray Lord that my love and faith is genuine and will naturally produce good works. May my actions Lord follow after the royal law of love to bring forth glory to You. Lord, may I love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and my works to be to love my neighbor as myself.  Jesus You said " Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord,  Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of  My Father in heaven."  Father I pray for those who have not given You their hearts, turning from their ways and crowning Jesus Lord over their lives. May You open their ears to the truth, no one come to You Father, except through Your One and Only Son Jesus Christ. How great are You Lord that You delight in the brokenness of sinners and the humble faith of the morally upright. Thank You Lord for opportunities today to put my faith to work. Exalting You above my efforts so the world may see the wonder of You. Thank You Lord for my brothers and sister who continually put their hands to the plow doing Your will. Bless them in all that the do and say. Thank You for their living examples that call me to be more than I ever thought I could be. The way they love and adore You is awe inspiring. Thank You for the gift of each and every one.  I know Lord they are precious in Your sight. How great is the my Fathers' love for them, they are Your beautiful children who flood the earth with love, peace and abundance of joy, by the power of Your Spirit. Use us today Lord to touch the lost and hurting in the wonderful name of Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

James 1:15

Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown brings forth death.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Let me be as one who calls for justice, and pleads for truth. I pray Lord not to trust in empty words or lies spoken by the world around me. They speak in a way that conceive evil and brings forth iniquity. The things that entice and lure me away from You, hatch vipers eggs and weave the spider's web that entangle and snare. Lord I pray by the power of Your Spirit You would keep those webs from becoming garments. Lord when my thoughts are tempted or attracted by the promise of pleasure or reward, my soul growls like a bear, and moans sadly like a dove. I have been led away from the joy of my salvation.  Forgive me Lord, I do not desire to depart from You, and Your will. Father, this morning I put on Your armor. The breast plate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth. Picking up the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith. Shrouding my feet with Your peace. May I endure temptation and be blessed when I've been approved, receiving the crown of life which You have promised to those who love You. I rejoice Lord knowing that every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from You my Father. I wait upon You Lord for those blessings, not running ahead, or falling in to temptation. You Lord Jesus are not tempted by evil, nor do You tempt anyone.  Father, I pray for strength for Your children who are being tempted to fall in to sin. May they cling to the truth that sin does not force itself on the unwilling, but it is chosen because of it's attraction. I pray Lord you grant them strong wills that will not bend. Keep them from sin that is glossed over but the root is always the same, pride, lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh. Hedge them today Father. A sparrow does not fall that You do not know about, how much more precious are Your children. Keep the enemy from our doors by covering them in the precious blood of Jesus,. In His name I pray, Amen.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Isaiah 30:15

In returning and rest you shall be saved, In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.

Oh Lord, truly I am your servant. You have loosed my bonds. What shall I rend to You Oh Lord for all Your benefits towards me?  May I pay my vows with thanksgiving for You have welcomed me into Your rest. Father, I pray for all those who have not heard You say "This is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest." and "This is the refreshing."  Resting takes faith in Jesus Christ Your Son, but so many chose to listen to the oppressors who teach with a rod. How often Lord You have wanted to gather them together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but they are not willing. Father my heart is heavy for I knew all to well the place where they are dwelling. I was like a sheep with out a shepherd. Lost and alone. Weary and worn until the day I met my Savior and King!  Father I pray for those who are wandering, those who are wondering and those who are worrying for they need the peace that only You can give. Peace by the power of Your Spirit that far out passes all understanding. The peace that gives rest. May they have an encounter with You today. Touch their hearts in a way only You can. Father bless You for the wisdom given me to understand that resting does not necessarily mean idleness. To often I've left You on the outside of my efforts to get things done not inviting You in so I may work and rest at the same time. Forgive me. Thank You for this marvelous revelation, working and resting fit perfectly together bringing blessings of quietness and confidence that strengthening me from with. Bless You Lord Jesus for calling "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in the heart, and you will find rest for your soul. For My yoke is easy and my burden light."  Those who have ears let them hear. I love You Jesus. In Your name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mark 2:22

And no on puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Behold, heaven and the heaven of heaven cannot contain You. Father, how much less this temple which I have build. Lord You do not dwell in temples made with hands, or the space in which my mind wants to contain You. Jesus heaven is Your throne and earth Your footstool. There is not a house big enough to contain Your Shekinah glory. Your presence Lord fills all that You have made. I pray Lord as I bow my head and bend my knee, my heart would be open to receive Your Holy Spirit today and all that You desire. May I be diligent to enter that rest, lest I fall according to the same example of disobedience. I pray to not stiffen in doubt, but to remain soft and pliable for Your outpouring. I thank You Lord for a new day to see, and experience the wonders of YOU!  Tune my ears to follow the sound of Your voice as we set out on adventures together today. Father I pray for all those who are bound by the law, trying to work their way to You. All the striving is exhausting and leads to a busted soul. I pray for the ones who are discourage by constant effort to obtain Your love and admiration. Father open their eyes to see the glory of Your beautiful Son Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath, the one in whom we find our rest. You are so patience, knowing exactly when someone is ready to be filled, never wasting a drop. Your timing Lord is always perfect. It saddens me to think how many who have not come to the fullness of Your presence, and all they are missing out on. A life abundant, not in the way earthly eyes see it in material goods but in the wonders that are only You!
Jesus, I'm in awe of You! I love You more today than yesterday. In Your  glorious name I pray, Amen.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Good Morning Lord,
With a voice of joy and praise I awake. My soul is like a deer that pants for water. Such a strong desire to be quenched by Your word. I seek You the living God not because I'm troubled just because You have put a yearning in my heart. You have appointed me Lord to praise You in the beauty of holiness. As I look to You with all my heart, mind. soul and strength I'm am overwhelmed with gladness. You are here with me and I'm am satisfied. Though trials may come, and trials go, Your amazing grace is a constant wave that washes over me and You banner over me is love. Although adversity wants to leave me poor, You have given life to me as a prize in all places. You Lord, bring forth Your righteousness as light and Your justice as noonday. As I rest in You Jesus, committing my trust in Your ways I am in awe of Your works. You have given me far more than I deserve. As I sit here with this wonderful imagine in my mind, You grinning with great pleasure as You lavish Your love upon me, a sense of overwhelming joy floods my soul. I can't fathom how I used to get through the day without You and never want to again. Father I pray for those who are grouping around in the darkness, seeking to have peace from sources other than You. They are looking for love in all the wrong places. Turn on the Light in their lives to see righteousness given by Your Son. Robe them today. Satisfy the yearning You have put inside them. May they respond to the tug of divinity on their hearts. Father fill Your children today with a refreshing from the Holy Spirit. As they seek You this morning overwhelm them with love. Greet them with a Holy kiss. Lord Jesus, my heart beats for You my King. I pray Lord You feel my little arms hugging You. Bless You Jesus for being the lover of my soul. Amen.

Friday, July 19, 2013

1 John 4:4

You are of God, little children, and have over come them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Dear Lord,
I have seen and testify that God the Father has sent His Son as Savior of the world.  Lord, I pray for all to confess You Jesus are the Son of God, so You will abide in them and they in You. God You are love let us abide in Your love and love one another. Lord fill us today with Your Holy Spirit to teach and guide us in all truth. Increase the gift of discernment in Your children today to see the ways that are false and lead to destruction. Father silence the false teachers who distract us, close our ears to erroneous instruction. Father fill our minds with wisdom to test the spirits and overcome them by recognizing  and refusing to follow them.  Greater is Your Holy Spirit that is in me than that which is in the world, thank You Lord for the gift. Father deepen our understanding to know the spirit in which something comes, first by listening for the confession that Jesus is the Christ, Your Son that has come in the flesh, and secondly their acceptance of  the teachings of the apostles. Lord I pray that as we love our brothers and sister who are in You and of You it will prove to others our spiritual birth and our relationship with You Almighty God.  Father I pray to really know You intimately, by experiencing Your presence today. Jesus walk with me and talk with me, and tell me I am Your own. I don't want to just have information about You but really know You!  May the evidence of Your Spirit be alive and active in my life to touch those around me. Lord I pray that all I do and say will bring glory, honor and praise to You. I only have eyes for You. I love You Jesus. In Your beautiful and wonderful name above all names, Amen.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

John 8:12

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying "I am the light of the world He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have light of life."

Precious Jesus thank You for speaking to me again. Your light shining in the darkness as I follow after You. This morning when I rose, body sore and aching, shuffling down the stairs feeling sorry for myself, there You met me when I was crying out. O Lord heal me for my bones are troubled, have mercy on me for I am weak. I am weary from my groaning.  You illuminated  the room around me with Your words of love. You have not forgotten me, I see my name inscribed in the palm of Your hand. You called out Awake! Awake! Put on your strength, put on your beautiful garments. You Lord have clothed me in joy and gladness as I fix my eyes on You Jesus the Light of the World. The voice of my weeping shall no longer be heard. I shall rejoice and be glad for the Son of Righteousness arises with healing on His wing. Lord cover Your children who cry out for healing under the shadow of Your wing, may they know they only need to turn their cheek to feel You near. Restore them with one touch from those beautiful pierced hand, or a word spoken from heaven.  Jesus be glorified in the lives of those battling various diseases. Shine Your light into the darkness of those in despair over the illness that leave them feeling forgotten about. Lord reveal Yourself to them, show Your great mercy and grace. You do miracles, You always have and always will. May my faith stand in the gap for the one who is weak and weary from years of battle sickness. Father scoop them up so they may rest and regain life. Restore them to bring glory, honor and praise to You and Your mighty name Jesus, I pray, Amen. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

James 1:18

Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your only Son, who is without spot or blemish. Bless You Jesus for loving me and given Yourself as an offering and sacrifice to the Father as sweet smelling aroma. Bless You Lord for opening my eyes to the truth that I may be a kind of firstfruit that You have gathered me up to be brought in to the Holy presence of the Father. In this I greatly rejoice, but also understand that in this world there will be various trials so the genuineness of my faith that is more precious than gold is tested by these fires. Lord I pray to be an imitator of You and walk in love. Thank You God for leading me in to triumph. Your Spirit through me will be diffused the fragrance of Christ in every place. Lord I pray that I would be the perfume of life to the unsaved world.  Lord thank You for my faithful brothers and sisters who are a bouquet of beauty that add scent and spice to my life. Each one a special creature Your hands have made. I'm in awe how uniquely different they are but make a lovely garland of goodness that You have wrapped around me with love.  How precious they are in Your sight. Thank You Lord for the gift of these friendships to break bread with and share in the cup. Thank You Lord that one day we will sit around Your banquet table to celebrate with You. Father I pray You would bless and keep them. Make Your face to shine upon Your children. Be gracious unto them. Lord lift up Your countenance upon them and give them peace. In the beautiful name of Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Romans 8:6

For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Remember me, O Lord, with the favor You have toward Your people. Father I pray to see the benefit of Your chosen One, so I may rejoice in gladness and may glory with Your inheritance. Lord forgiven me for eating of my own desires. I have not resisted or deprived myself of worldly cravings. The desires for comfort, convenience and conformity is carnal thinking that has led  my physical body to disease. Father, when Moses was leading the people in the desert and they where longing for meat to eat, You sent Quail. But Your wrath aroused against the people. You struck them with a very great plaque. One may think Lord You are a harsh Father, but I see Your loving arm, that will not be shortened. They named the place Kibroth Hattaavah meaning "Graves of the Craving" this is the place where many were buried due to their yielding to craving.  Oh Lord how it must grieve You to see us turn to things to satisfy our flesh, not feasting on the wonders of Your works.  Lord I pray for a turning of hearts to seek You earnestly. May we remember You Jesus are our Rock, the Most High our Redeemer. Father I pray my mouth doesn't flatter You with words, or lie to You with my tongue, but that my heart is steadfast toward You and faithful to Your covenant. Thank You Lord for forgiving my iniquities and not destroying me. Many times Lord You have turned away Your anger and have had compassion on me. Thank You Lord for remembering I am flesh with a growing desire for Your Spirit to fill my mind with peace.  I pray Lord for all those who are battling addictions of overeating, alcohol, drugs, shopping, gambling, social media, gaming and  pornography may Your Holy Spirit give them strength not to yield to cravings that lead to death. Fill them with Your love and goodness that satisfies more than anything this world has to offer. Deliver them from the desert of hopelessness. May we rejoice, sing and praise You Jesus for setting us free, and whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Love You Lord. In Your Mighty name, Amen.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Mark 1:18

They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

Dear Heavenly Father,
It seems I've gotten tangled up in my net again. I am like a bird in the hand of the Fowler. Except the Fowler is not another person or situation it is my pride. It has ensnared me, causing me to trip. You have said to follow after You and again I have run before You. Caring for my temple and seeing it rebuild was the priority You set, but I have walk off the trail concerning myself with other matters. The one who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Father I drop this net of disobedience and run to You my refuge and my fortress. You Lord are the God in whom I trust. Forgive me for not following the example You have set, and making choices that have not been beneficial. Fill me with Your Spirit so I may overcome the thoughts that keeps me from getting well. You have said do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. I thank You for the wisdom You have given to doctors, for the healthy foods of the earth and the bed in which to lay my head and rest. Father I pray for all those who are in need of a healing touch. By the Power of Your Spirit ease the pain, mend the wounds and strengthen the body. Correct blood disorders, balance blood sugar levels, and lower inflammation within. Heal broken bones, hearts and minds. Repair and restore kidneys, livers and stomachs. Bring down fevers, reduce swelling and increase mobility all in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus of Nazareth. May all this suffering be used for Your glory Lord. Reveal Yourself to those who are suffering with medical issues on their own not knowing the hope and comfort You bring. Lovingly guide those who have strayed of the path, doing good for others but has caused fatigue and set backs in their recovery. Help me Lord to refocus my eyes to see the back of Your head as I follow in Your footsteps. Better yet Lord let me crawl into Your arms and rest a while. Thanks so much. I love You Jesus, in Your name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

John 20:11

But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping, and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tomb.

Let me come before Your presence with thanksgiving. Let me shout joyfully to You with psalms. Lord You are the great King above all gods. Lord I come before You to worship and bow down, kneeling before my Lord and Maker. Jesus forgive me for doubting, and feeling as though You have abandoned me, leaving me to figure this out on m own. But You haven't, You have given me Your beautiful Holy Spirit, to led and guide me through the rough spots of this life. Although at times I focus on things that once where wonderful I fail to see that even greater things are to come. Let me not cling to the things of the passed, but embrace the things that lie ahead. Oh the overwhelming joy Mary must have felt when she saw that You where raised from the dead and standing beside her. Jesus, by Your Spirit make Your presence know today. Reveal Yourself as the risen Lord to all who are mourning outside a tomb of disappointment, regret, and loneliness. May there be awestruck wonder at the mention of Your name. Jesus You are Messiah, Lord of all, Emmanuel God with us. Father I pray for all those who are struggling, striving and stressed trying to find where You are. May they rest in the knowing You will never leave or forsake them even in the most painful of situations. You are there with them waiting to deepen their faith, wisdom and understanding of Your love. Father wrap Your loving arms around those who are in desperate need of comfort today. Only You know the words to whisper into those hearts that are crying out. Father I pray that Jesus would be glorified in every heart that clings to You during challenges that what to shake them loose. Father open our eyes to see the miraculous resurrection of You beautiful Son, who over came death and diseases. Let us not weep at the foot of the cross, but rejoice at the marvelous gift given by the rising of Your Son. Father I pray, Your children will rise up and be Your glorious body in action, touching, and transforming lives with Your love. Oh let us sing to You our Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. I love You Rabboni! In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

James 1:8

He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I love Your instruction for it blesses me with knowledge. Lord I commit my will to You today, so my thoughts will be established. I may plan in my heart but You Lord direct my steps. Lord fill me with Your Spirit to bring clarity to my mind moving me ahead in the ways that are pleasing to You. Keep my mind from thinking as the world does, making me restless and confused in my thoughts. Jesus You have said " No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."  Lord let my rest be in faith that is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of the things not seen. I love You Jesus, even though the world around me doubts, I know with all my heart You are the One true living God!!! Father I pray for those who are living a life similar to Dr. Doolittle's Pushmi-Pullyu two headed animal, one desiring to go in one direction and the other the opposite way. Lord help them with their doubts for they are unstable an unsteady wavering in both character and feelings. Reveal to them Jesus, Your love as You did with John the Baptist, the one who saw the Dove descend upon You at the time of Your Baptism, and yet when he was in prisoned he questioned is it really You. Oh Lord Your kindness is so amazing You did not get angry, You just sent confirmation You are the One who gives sight to the blind, make the lame to walk, cleanse the lepers, open the ears of the deaf to hear, and raise the dead. Blessed are those who are not offended by You. Blessed are the poor who receive the gospel that is preached to them. Father I pray for all those who are facing great trials causing them to doubt, or sadness that overwhelms them, just as Thomas was grieving Your death on the cross, not believing You rose from the dead, again Your lovingkindness said; touch my pierced hand, and put your fingers here in my side. Open the eyes of the blind to see there is no other god who would humble themselves extending grace in such a profound way. Your love Lord would not permit Thomas perish in his unbelief. Thank You for Your promise to never leave of forsake those who believe, even if at time it seems only the size of a mustard seed. Thank You Father for Your Son, and the Holy Spirit. In Your name I pray, Amen.

Friday, July 12, 2013

John 6:4

Now the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was near.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus, who atoned for my sin and the sin of the world. He as causes the evil to pass over me. Thank You for the blessing of His shed blood that covers me to stand before You. Thank You for the blessing to be able to come to You with all my cares and concerns without having to do rituals or ceremonies. Thank You Jesus for Your cleansing blood that washes me clean. Thank You Lord for the gift of eternal life. Thank You Lord for hearing my heart cry for captives to be set free. Thank You Lord for Your mercy and grace that set me free from the bonds of religion and bringing me in to relationship with You. Thank You Lord that fellowship with You is of no effort, because You already know my thoughts. Thank You Lord that I may share all my struggles, fears and pain with You and Your peace overcomes all stresses of life. Thank You Lord for calling my name. Thank You Lord for being my friend. Thank You Lord for moving mountains and calming the stormy seas of my life. Thank You Lord for lifting my head when I'm low. Thank You Lord for  scooping me up from the miry pit when I have falling down. Thank You Lord that when I run I'm not weary. Thank You Lord for never condemning me when I've said or did the wrong thing. Thank You Lord for Your loving kindness. Thank You Lord for paying my ransom. Thank You Lord for healing me. Thank You Lord for never leaving or forsaking me. Thank You Lord for filling me with awestruck wonder at the miracles and blessings You pour out. Thank You Lord for taring the veil that I may enter into Your presence. Thank You Lord for filling me with Your Holy Spirit to led and guide me in all Your ways. Thank You Lord for Your patience when I drag my feet to do something You've asked me to do. Thank You Lord that You are a gentlemen who never push me. Thank You Lord for giving me free will to chose. And Lord I chose You! I love You not because I am wise, good or worthy but because You first loved me. Thank  You Jesus for everything. You have given me life that is abundant.  XOXO. Amen.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Matthew 8:9

..."For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, 'Go' and he goes; and to another, 'Come' and he comes, and to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it."

Dear Jesus, the only one given ALL authority in heaven and on earth. You are with me even to the end of the age. Lord, I rejoice for You are the righteous One who is great!  You consider the cause of the poor and Your throne is established for ever. Father, Your Son marveled at the faith of the centurion when he spoke and acknowledge His authority. I give thanks and praise to Jesus who is Lord over every aspect of my life. I marvel at Your majesty, finding comfort in Your loving kindness, mercy and grace. Resting in the awareness You are not wicked, harsh or oppressive. Lord, I pray for all those who continue to believe that You are just a prophet, nice guy, good example or myth, may their eyes be open to see You are the King of kings and Lord of lords there is none greater. You are the One. Jesus I pray, by Your supremacy You would soften the harden hearts of unbelievers to receive Your love. Wake them from sleep, casting out the works of darkness. Let love be without hypocrisy. You Jesus are the greatest gift ever given. I thank You Lord that You hear my private prayers, coming quickly to respond with blessings of healing, restorations in relationships, new beginnings, deliverance, comfort and peace for those who grieve, provisions and open doors of opportunities. Jesus I believe with all my heart, mind soul and strength You have dominion over every area of life. Thank You for the depth of riches, both of wisdom and knowledge of You!  For of You, through You and to You are all things to whom be the glory forever and ever, Amen.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daniel 6:10

Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed he went home. And in his upper room, with his window opened towards Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times a day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God.

Heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob,
You deliver and rescue. You do signs and wonders in heaven and on earth. You are the living God steadfast forever; Your Kingdom shall not be destroyed. Lord, by Your Spirit I rise above my circumstance. I open the window of my heart to Jesus, and make a choice to kneel and pray to the Ancient of Days seated on the throne. Your garments as white as snow, and the hair on Your head is like poor wool. A thousand thousands minister to You. I give thanks to You my God day and night. Lord there are many who have said and others who continue to say; Jesus has spoken evil, they raise their hands to strike Him with their palms. It sickens me Lord to hear Your name mocked. Just the other day while sharing the Good News, a man claimed You are only a myth. How very sad Lord so many refuse to know the truth. You Lord Jesus are the meek Lamb who laid down Your life to atone for my sin and the sin of others. There is none like You. I rejoice that You have set me free. Your peace is continually upon me. Your hand of protection and every blessing is given by You. I pray Lord, You would reveal Yourself to those who have stiff necks and knees, who's hearts are hardened not willing to open their windows because they are filled with pride. Jesus thank You for causing all my striving to cease,having total understanding there is nothing I can do to add  to the finished work on Calvary!  May the words You spoke with outstretched arms on the cross, "It is Finished" pierce the souls of the unbelievers. Father I pray for those who are bound by rituals, or praying to saints, may they come to know Jesus is the One who makes intercession for us and these acts. They are forms of idolatry, the exalting of others above You. Draw them nearer with understanding of the shed blood of Your Son. My heart's desire to serve You, is just that, to serve You and not to earn my way to heaven. I thank You Jesus for Your mercy and grace, a love that is so unselfish, it causes me to want to be more like You. Fill me today with Your Spirit to be a vessel for Your use. In the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, Amen.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

John 16:2

They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.

Oh Merciful Father,
I cry out to You this morning for Your children. Father send Your Holy Spirit to pour out peace for those who are being persecuted this day. Place a high hedge of protection around Your church, to shield them from physical, spiritual and emotion harm. Strengthen Your body of believer to endure oppression, to even prosper and reign victoriously. Shroud the minds and hearts of  my brothers and sisters in Your goodness to comfort and sustain them. I pray Lord through the trails they face, You would be glorified. Blessed be Your name Jesus. May those who think they are serving You by raising angry fist toward Your chosen be brought low, humbled and Your correction apparent in their lives. Bring about change that will lead them to eternal life. Just as Jesus asked "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" I pray Your Spirit Lord would appear to those who are badgering and harassing Your people. May the scales fall from their eyes to see that it is love that has saved the ones they hate and by harming those who belong to You they are offending the One they think they are blessing. May they look in to the faces of Your children and realize the they have it wrong and backwards. Jesus You are the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through You. Psalm 68:1-4, Let God arise. Let His enemies be scattered. Let those also who hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is driven away; so drive them away. As wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God; Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly. Sing to God, sing praises to His name. Extol Him who rides on the clouds by His name YAH, and rejoice before Him. Thank You Lord, for being merciful to me and calling my name, thank You for the beautiful and loving family You have given me. I love You Lord. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Mark 1:19

When He had gone a little farther from there, He saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the boat mending their nets.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your beautiful Son, the One whose sandal strap I am unworthy to stoop down and loose. Lord bless You for opening my eyes to see the sinner I was, calling me to repentance. Turning and running in to Your loving outstretched arms. You have captivated my heart, and I will never be the same. Jesus, You have opened my ears to hear You say, "Leave Your nets and follow me."  I must confess Lord I've been crouching down in the boat mending my nets instead of navigating through the water of life. Fussing over this or that and never leaving the shore to set sail for all the wonders You have in store. My preoccupation with tedious details has left me dry docked for far to long. I desire to be like Peter in the midst of the storm, when You instructed him to be not afraid and step out of the boat. He took a leap of faith, even though his doubts crept in, You were still there to catch him. He didn't sink or perish, at least he tried. Lord fills me with Your Holy Spirit to have boldness, faith, and confidence to step out for You. To follow after You with passion and perseverance. I pray Lord to have my actions in line with what I believe, not sitting on the shore waiting to see others full nets to rejoice, but rejoicing with You over the fun we'll have fishing together. Father just like the waves of the ocean that are constant so is Your amazing unfailing love for me. Let me not waste any more time pondering on the shore of what was but rise to be led by Your Son wherever He wants to journey. Lord, I pray for Your people today who are listening to the sound of Your voice calling, may they be obedient to respond knowing it is the power of the Holy Spirit that will carry them across the seas, to experience great wonders. Thank You Lord for the adventures that lay ahead. Captain this skipper is ready, willing and reporting for duty. I surrender all. In the name of Jesus, Amen

Sunday, July 7, 2013

James 5:9

Do not grumble against one another, brethren, lest you be condemned. Behold, the Judge is standing at the door!

Everlasting God You are welcome here, 
You are the Creator of heaven and earth, of all things seen and unseen. The only one worthy of praise. King of glory, Lord of wonder.  I pray for patience, as I wait upon Your arrival. May this time be used wisely to establish my heart. You have said to believe in You my Lord and God and I would be create a new. To believe in Your prophets and I shall prosper. Your precious prophets always spoke of Your Son in whom I put my hope and trust in. I shall sing to You Jesus, and praise You in the beauty of holiness. Keep me from muttering about another's life or walk with You, may my eyes be  fixed on my Savior. Father as I reflect on Your prophets of old, their examples of patience and suffering, I think how blessed they where to endure. Father, I pray for endurance for all those who believe. Help us to improve the lives of our brothers and sister who are facing trails, growing weary, feeling weak and defeated. May You anoint our lips with encouragement to build up those in Your body who are under attack.  Let the words of our mouths be fortification that is nourishment for those who are coming under scrutiny. May Your loving Spirit over rule those thoughts of condemnation in the minds who judges with a magnify glass the hearts of Your chosen and elect. May I always remember my own shortcomings and Christ who has covered my sins, not casting a stone on a fellow believer for the error they have made. Lord use my hands to catch a stumbling brethren and keep them from falling into the pit. Increase in me a heart compassion, so Your love will cover a multitude of sin and block them from view. Forgive me Lord for not speaking more boldly bringing correction to a soul who rises up to criticize some one else.  I pray Lord for Your children to be ready, not letting our oil lamps burn out for You are coming. In Jesus name, Amen.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

John 16:8

And when the He has come He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgement:

Thank You Lord Jesus that You have sent me the Helper who come from the Father. He is the Spirit of truth that will testify through me about You my Lord and Savior.  Bless you Jesus for making my payment for my sin. Receiving Your full pardon is the only cure for the disease of sin. Father there are many who are in sin thinking this reference is to the sins of adultery, pride, or gluttony when Your desire is to open their eyes to who Your Son is and all that You have so graciously and lovingly done for us. Fill me today Lord with Your Holy Spirit to be Your mouth piece to share the Good News, the truth about sin, righteousness and judgement. Father by Your Spirit may I bear witness in my home,   neighborhood, the town in which I dwell, and even to the ends of the earth. Father I pray for the lost souls who are living in darkness, trying to work things out on the own, formulating answers to the question "Where do I go when I die?"  Father as the Apostle Peter said in the book of Acts that cut them to the heart when they asked "What shall we do?" he replied with "Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Father, thank You for opening the eyes of the blind to see Jesus is the only righteous One, and by His shed blood on the cross, He covers us in His righteousness. Thank You Lord for choosing me, I know in my heart is was not me who chose You. Thank You Lord for no longer calling me servant but You have called me friend when You did the greatest thing ever, laying down Your life for me. Lord there is truly no greater love than this. I pray Lord that this gift You have so freely given and the revelation of the truth of who You are will cause me to bear much fruit for You, fruit that will remain. May I love others as You have commanded so they may taste and see Your goodness. In You Holy name Jesus, Amen

Friday, July 5, 2013

John 18:1

When Jesus had spoken these words, He went out with His disciples over the brook of Kidron, where there was a garden which He and His disciples entered.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You have asked that I turn to You with all my heart. I should rend my heart and not my garments, returning to You.  You're gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and great in kindness. You have relented from doing harm. You Lord Jesus excuse no one from prayer in times of spiritual emergency. Jesus, You went with Your disciples over the brook of Kidon which means dark or to mourn but it led to a garden. You continually teach me by the power of Your Holy Spirit, just as Your beautiful and precious Son passed through darkness and was brought to the glory of the resurrection to new life, all areas of living must come to death be mourned and released to You to enter into the garden of vitality. I pray Lord as I surrender my health into Your loving care, You will not only heal my body, but my soul that feels defeated from the battle. I pray Lord, You would lead me to the garden so I may eat from the tree of life, nourishing me in wisdom and knowledge on how to proceed in proper caret that is most beneficial for my body. Put to death Lord all my pride that thinks I can handle this on my own. I pray for all those who are faced with health issues that seem enormous, leaving them feeling discourage and helpless, bathe them Lord in Your peace, surround them in love, so they will know You have not forgotten them. Touch them today and heal them both spiritually and physically. Please reveal Yourself to them in mighty ways, may all the world look and be amazed. Comfort those who mourn and are walking in darkness, lead them over the bridge into the garden of peace and rest. Father thank You for hearing my prayers and the prayers of Your children who are in spiritual emergencies, come quickly and speak into our hearts. I love You Lord and place my hope and trust in You and You alone. In Your mighty and matchless name Jesus, Amen.

Joel 2:12-13

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Matthew 8:16

When evening had come, they brought to Him many who where demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick.

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; according to Your tender mercies. Blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Restore to my the joy of Your salvation. Thank You Father, for the privilege to enter Your courts, to bring petitions for healing. Jesus, You healed ALL who were sick. Bless You Jesus that by Your stripes we are healed! I thank You Father that in the evening hours of my loved ones who are ill, I can still come to You for You never sleep or grow weary. Thank You for Your mercy and compassion to restore health to all who are in need of a touch. Those with poison ivy, digestive issues, heart conditions, varicose veins, liver diseases of sorts, brain tumors, aneurysm, and breast cancer. Thank You Lord that the darkness of the night turns to the Light of day, bringing vitality, vibrancy and voices of thanksgiving and praise by those who have received a miracle. You have said we only need to have faith of a mustard seed and we would see mountains move. Move the those mountains in the lives of those with infirmities and the medical expenses that have weight them down with worry. Jesus be glorified! Lord You also casted out spirits that have been permitted to afflict a body with disease. Cover Your children in Your precious blood so the enemy cannot enter in but must passover. Thank You Lord that Your word is true. Jesus just a You loosed the women with infirmity and immediately she was made straight and glorified You, loose others today who are bent over from addictions and can't raise themselves. Lord hear their calls for help even if its the faintest of sound. Deliver them to live a life that is free and upright. Thank You Jesus for all gifts of healing You so generously pour out through Your Spirit. I love You my King. I'm in awe of You. In Christ name, Amen.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

James 1:5

If  any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to You early this morning with a request; I do not require information regarding how to avoid this time of testing but wisdom and a fresh perspective on the trial I currently face. I know You work all things together for the good of those who love You and are called for Your good purpose. Well Lord I really, really love You so there must be something really good that will come out of this. Father I pray You will open my ears to Your instruction and be filled with wisdom. Father, I have often prayed to be lifted up, again I ask You to raise me above this current condition so I may see from a different vantage point the victory that is on the horizon. Lord I pray for the wisdom You said You would freely give from above that is  first pure, than peaceable, gentle and willing to yield. I surrender my will into Your loving hands, and my heart is willing to obey Your Spirit.  Lead me to the answers to all the questions I have regarding this matter. Father I pray for others who are in need of wisdom as well, give liberally to them. Deepen our faith and trust through these challenges that we face. Jesus, heal the hearts of the broken, the bodies of the sick and minds of those who are tormented by things of the past. I pray we would all learn and grow through our adversities and be stronger and better for it. Use these situations to bring glory to You. Polish our souls so they shine like silver reflecting Your beautiful image. Thank You. I love You Lord, You are my all in all, my strength, strong tower and refuge. In Jesus precious name, Amen.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

James 1:8

He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

O Lord, search me and know me. You know my sitting down and my rising up. Father I ask Your forgiveness over the times I sit down not wanting to do what You have asked me to do. I also ask forgiveness over the times I rise up and do things my own way.  Lord You know my thoughts that are far away from You, making me unstable in my ways. I pray Lord You would hedge me behind and before that I would not be tossed by the waves of world around me. Father, there is no where I can go from Your Spirit. If my pride would try to have me flee from Your presence, You are still there. Oh Father how precious Your thought are of me. How great is the sum of them, if I was to try to count them they would be more than the number of the sand. Lord as I sit here this morning, thinking on the sight of all the sand on the beaches and in the deserts around the world, I am awestruck!  How ridiculous are my notions that sometimes cause me to doubt that I have a great big Father who loves me. Lord I pray Psalm 139 would just saturate my soul and the souls of others, to stop us mid-thought to know there is none like You.  Jesus You are my one true desire. May my mind be completely fixed on You. Some, Lord, would say that makes me closed minded, but I say You grant me peace that far out passes anything else. Most ideas want to keep me uncertain, uneasy and uncomfortable, so Lord I pray You would fill me with Your Holy Spirit to continue to teach me Your truth. "I love You Jesus", is my single minded thought today and  for every day. I love Jesus. Amen

Monday, July 1, 2013

Matthew 6:22

The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.

Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Father may I serve You with gladness and come before Your presence with singing. I know that You are God. Father You have made me, a sheep of Your pasture so I may enter Your gates with thanksgiving, and courts with praise. I pray Lord to walk within my house with a perfect heart. May I not set anything wicked before my eyes. Lord may I know You so intimately, I may come to love what You love and reject what You reject. I pray, instead of thinking on the things that are unworthy, that my heart and mind would be fixed on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and virtuous. Hmm, I know the one that is all this and so much more. Why it is You sweet Jesus! May my eyes reflect the image of You as I gaze upon Your beauty. I pray that all the world around me would see Your Spirit shining forth from the windows of my soul. Father, as You walk with me today continue to reveal the condition of those whose life's surround me. May I see You in them as well. Open my heart to have compassion on those who's eyes are filled with darkness, perhaps from never hearing the truth of the greatest gift ever given. May Your tenderness flow through me to reach another who is darkened by pain and hopelessness for various reasons. Lord Jesus may kindness not only be in the form of giving of material needs or acts of service, but in gentle correction to someone who is headed in the wrong direction, the way that lead to eternal death. I pray Lord that You would have Your children shine today, may be glorified in and through them. I love You Jesus, Amen.