Monday, July 1, 2013

Matthew 6:22

The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light.

Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Father may I serve You with gladness and come before Your presence with singing. I know that You are God. Father You have made me, a sheep of Your pasture so I may enter Your gates with thanksgiving, and courts with praise. I pray Lord to walk within my house with a perfect heart. May I not set anything wicked before my eyes. Lord may I know You so intimately, I may come to love what You love and reject what You reject. I pray, instead of thinking on the things that are unworthy, that my heart and mind would be fixed on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and virtuous. Hmm, I know the one that is all this and so much more. Why it is You sweet Jesus! May my eyes reflect the image of You as I gaze upon Your beauty. I pray that all the world around me would see Your Spirit shining forth from the windows of my soul. Father, as You walk with me today continue to reveal the condition of those whose life's surround me. May I see You in them as well. Open my heart to have compassion on those who's eyes are filled with darkness, perhaps from never hearing the truth of the greatest gift ever given. May Your tenderness flow through me to reach another who is darkened by pain and hopelessness for various reasons. Lord Jesus may kindness not only be in the form of giving of material needs or acts of service, but in gentle correction to someone who is headed in the wrong direction, the way that lead to eternal death. I pray Lord that You would have Your children shine today, may be glorified in and through them. I love You Jesus, Amen.

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