Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mark 1:45

However, he went out and began to proclaim it freely, and to spread the matter, so that Jesus could no longer openly enter the city, but was outside in deserted places; and they came to Him from every direction.

How truly wonderful and amazing You are Lord Jesus. As I've come kneeling before You, looking to You for healing, cleansing and restoration, praying for Your willingness. You are always moved with compassion. Your willingness to wash me, heal me and make me whole is remarkable. Lord sometime the healing I need isn't in the physical but from emotional scars that have left me to feel as a leper or outcast. Social awkwardness, passed rejection, and shyness have often left me isolated and alone. Reflecting on the time You cleansed the leper, I'm awestruck. He was the outcast, but You traded places with Him, You could no longer openly enter the city so went out side the it's boarder into the lonely places where the leper once dwelt. Your compassion Jesus has no limits for the despised, helpless, hopeless and rejected. Bless You Lord for being the perfect example of loving kindness in the form of unselfish love. Lord You are my best friend, confidant, adviser  and comforter. I pray Lord that I would be obedient to Your voice, listening intently to hear when and to whom You desire for me to proclaim the good news. I'm sorry for the times my excitement and enthusiasm has gone on ahead before You where ready to reveal Yourself. Father I have such a strong desire to share Your word with others, see their faith as they receive Your forgiveness, and the miracles that follow in lives that are transformed by Your mercy and grace. May I rise and follow after You. Lead me Lord to those who are outcasts, social lepers and alone, let me be Your outstretched arms to comfort and hold. Make me an ambassador of Your love. May my scars be a soothing balm of hope for another soul. Not wasted by being hid away under self protection but exposed for Your glory. In blessed name of Jesus, Amen

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