Sunday, August 11, 2013

Matthew 18:35

"So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brothers his trespasses."

Dear Heavenly Father,
You Lord are slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. I should do the same. You have said "As far as the east is from the west, so far You have removed our transgressions from us." I should do the same. You Lord have not dealt with me according to my sins, nor punished me according to my iniquities. I should do the same. This morning Lord I ask for You to search me, and see if there are any wicked ways in me. Lead me Lord in the way of everlasting that starts with a clean heart. May forgiveness have its way in me, not holding on to any transgressions. Lord I pray to be kind to others, tender-hearted, and forgiving as You have been towards me. May I be an imitator of Jesus and walk in love. Let no corrupt word proceed from my mouth, only that which is good and necessary for the edification of Your body, the church. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from me. As I listen intently for the sound of Your voice may I hear where the hidden hurts have been tucked away. Father, thank You for Your Son who has set me free from my sin, may I not hold another captive for the errors inflicted upon me. Let my heart be light and filled with peace to freely fellowship with You. I pray Lord for those who have been carrying  heavy bags of unforgiveness may they drop them now, to be free to live a life of joy. As I look in to the faces hardened by years of mercilessness towards others I'm sad, thinking that have not tasted Your goodness and grace for the wrongs they themselves have done. Father, reveal the beauty of Your Son to those who are bitter and angry, let them drink from the cup that is sweet. Bless You Lord for open my eyes to see Your majesty, splendor and greatness. All glory and honor is Yours, Jesus. In Your name I pray. Amen.


  1. Thank-you, Oh great Father, that you would move the hearts of your people to share such wonderous heart-felt, heart-worn prayers as You have with your blessed beloved here-by the sea of tiberias. May abundant blessings rain down on a heart so obedient and willing to share. Praise You for using your children in such a manner. May I be worthy as well, use me Father at thy will I pray.

  2. May the Lord multiply the blessings back to you for your loving kindness is sweeter than honey from the comb. Hearing from you means than my words can say. Great is His faithfulness and I rest knowing you are already being used for His kingdom and glory. Have a SON kissed day!
