Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Acts 2:21
And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Heavenly Father,
How my heart aches today for all those who do not know Jesus. When I look at the people around me and see them struggling and striving, desiring more in life, but not know what they are missing. My heart breaks. Once upon a time I had that same void, that same longing, wanting to know the meaning of life, always searching, it was exhausting! Father I get tired just recalling those desperate days, a time when things, or accomplishments only satisfied me for a short and I mean short time. Days when I had no peace. But then someone loved me enough to tell me the truth. I'm a sinner, and need a Savior. Thank You Lord for opening my eyes to see all that was done for me when You lovingly took my sins on the cross, and rose again to new life. I know with out a doubt the meaning of my life is to share the hope I found in You and You alone with others. Jesus You said no one comes to the Father except through Me, thank You for covering my sins so the Father does not see them and make an entrance way for me to come to Him. I have never received a more precious and wonderful gift that will last for all eternity. Your amazing Agape love is all I need. Father I pray that You would continue to use me and be glorified through me that others would come to You and call You Abba Father. Hear my heart cry out for all that think "well I'm a good persons surely I will have a reward and will go to heaven."  Father having been there myself I now know how untrue and prideful I was. You have said pride comes before a fall, and there are three things that lead us to destruction, pride of life, lust of the eye and lust of the flesh. Lord thank You for forgiving me of pride, thinking I could be excepted by You set on my own standard. Forgive the others who are lost for they know not what they do or who they need to save them. Jesus maranatha, come quickly in to the lives of those walking in darkness and are being deceived by the evil one disguised as light. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit to do Your will today. In the mighty and awesome name of my Savior, Jesus Christ,  Amen.

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