Wednesday, May 8, 2013

John 7:38
He who believes in Me, as the scriptures said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.

Dear Heavenly Father,
What an amazing miracle happened when Moses tapped the rock and water gushed out for the Isrealites when they where thirsty in the desert.  And even more amazingly, Jesus' promise when we believed in the Word, we would be as a flow of rapid and plentiful water to refresh others. Lord Jesus I want to be so filled with Your Spirit that my encounters with other would quench their thirst in the dry places of their lives. Forgive me when I try to contain or control the waters of love to others. Your desire is for all those who are thirsty to come and drink from the fountain where streams of life flow from You. Lord Jesus who lives in me, I pray that my vessle will continually pour forth cups wherever needed when I share all You have done in and through me. Father I pray for those who are in arid places of there lives, their lips parched from living a life apart from You, Lord rain down on them the goodness of Your salvation. Please mix in with the rain healing touches for those battling cancer, heart disease, depression, suicidal thoughts, digestion and breathing difficulties, and various other medical conditions. Father I pray that by Your hand You would bring forth life in the infertily wombs as we repent of sacfricing of unborn children on the alter of the evil one. Forgive us Lord for these disgraceful acts and for our silence not speaking out to protect others souls, the concequences of the after shock when men and women try to hide their shame and guilt. Father forgive us for trying to make it ok by passing laws, when Your loving eyes still sees what is being done. Jesus open the eyes of those who feel trapped and in dispear over the choice they made when chosing death instead of life, may they come to know Your love and mercy, You payed the price for their  forgiveness of this sin. Father continue to speak into our hearts by Your Spirit through Your Holy Word to lead us the way we should go. Lord thank You for Your abounding mercy and grace, for lives transformed through the pouring out of Your precious blood that covers our sin. I love You Lord Jesus, in Your beautiful and holy name, Amen.

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