John 4:17
Jesus said to her, "You have well said, I have no husband,' for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly."
Lord I worship and adore You. With sweet adoration I come before You, dancing and singing, lifting You high. Giving thanks and praise for placing a banner of love over me, because just like the woman married 5 times and was with another I too have had 6 that Ive been intimate with. I call them bitterness, anger, anxiety, doubt, shame, and the worst of them all fear. They were wicked masters that kept me from joy, gentleness, peace, truth, dignity and love. Oh but Lord Your keys have unlocked the shackles on my heart. Bless You Jesus, for setting me free, for calling me Your beloved bride. Jesus You are unmistakably, undeniably the lover of my soul, there is none like You, never was and never will be. Father I pray that those who are caught in the bonds of emotions that squeeze all hope out of their lives, You would met them at the well where they are drinking of water that leaves them thirsty. Jesus You have promised that who ever drinks of Your goodness will never thirst again. Father I pray that You would bring refreshing on marriages that are in dry places. Heal marriages that need to be reconciled, may they look upon the cross where Christ died, surrender confess their faults and failing and receive Your grace. Father mend broken hearts that grieve over the breaking of vows, restore trust and hope through Jesus. My heart aches Father for the innocent children who are casualties of divorce, heal them, restore them, lead them, guide them in the way that lead to life and use them to bring glory to You. I love You Jesus, You are like a beautiful apple tree among the woods, it is a great delight to sit in Your shade and eat of Your fruit for it is so sweet to the taste and satisfying to the soul. In Your precious name, Jesus, Amen.
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