Thursday, May 16, 2013

Isaiah 50:4

The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak A word in season to him who is weary. He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned.

Good Morning to You, Father God,
What a great and glorious day You have given. The birds sing, the sun rising, the flowers give of their fragrance. It is lovely in the garden with You and Your Word. Teach me Holy Spirit to know You more and more. Let me hear Your voice Father and all that You have to say to me this lovely day that You have made. I give thanks and praise amongst the challenges of this life because in it, there You are revealing Yourself to me, I'm in awe of You.  Father, I thank You for each and every struggle, heartache, disappointment and suffering over the years that have molded and shaped me into someone to be used by You, to serve other who are hurting, lost and confused regarding the mountains they face. You have given me a degree that was earned through the storms of life, nothing to be framed and hung on a wall but to be the frame around someone in need, holding them up in prayer, comforting them and words of wisdom for those who are fatigued in their spirit. Father, I pray that You would use me today to encourage someone. You wake me early so I may be filled with Your wisdom and direction for the day, please order each and every step. Jesus by the power of Your Spirit may I be a mouthpiece for You for those who are in a weary season and need to hear from You. May the words of my lips be honey from the comb sweet to the taste and pleasant to the ears. Thank You Lord for being with me through all of life's adversities, I pray that I would be transparent to others so they will do the same so they may come to find out they are not alone. Father thank You. In the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen

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