She said, "No one Lord" And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."
Dear Lord, maker of heaven of earth, of all things seen and not seen. You alone are great and greatly to be praised. There is none like You, no one can calm the seas, make the lame to walk or forgive me for my sin only You Jesus, my King. I worship and adore You. I did not choose You but You chose me. Lord You could have left me to wallow in my sin so many years ago, but You extended Your beautiful pierced hand and lifted me up, cleaned me off and simple said "neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." Father, how gracious and loving a Father You are to give Your Son to pay my ransom. I've said to myself condemned but You have said forgiven. Lord may I not condemn another but share Your love and mercy as You have graciously given it to me without hold back or till I get things right. As I look upon the cross where You died, I am humbled to my knees at the gift You gave, to set me free. Jesus I rejoice that You have risen from the dead overcoming the world, but I never want to forget the pain and suffering You endured for my wretched sin. Thank You Lord for washing my filthy rags clean in Your precious blood and drawing me to Your side. I can only thank You, thank You, thank You. Kiss Your feet, and serve You all my days. Every day my love and appreciation for You grows deep and more intense, You are my only desire, for nothing of this world satisfies the way You do. Oh what peace and joy You bring, a love Ive never know. Father fill me with Your Spirit to continue to teach me, granting me wisdom and understanding in all matters of my daily rounds. Father increase discernment in me to where the deception lies in the heart of others so I may be used by You to speak truth that will set other free. Father, may all I do and say bring glory and honor to You. With my eyes fixed on Jesus, and covering my ears from hearing evil may I walk the narrow road that will lead me home to You. I love You Lord. In the name of Jesus. Amen
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