Friday, May 24, 2013

Psalm 122:1
I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go onto the house of the Lord."

Yes, Lord I am glad to be in Your house with Your beloved children, my brothers and sisters. I know I'm in communion with You 24/7, but what a gift and treasure to be in fellowship and pray with those who make up Your body the church. To pray to You in one accord, lifting up holy hands, bowing our hearts in reverence to our Maker, the One who created the universe and all that is in it. I love praising You along with many other voices making a melody of lovely adoration. Such a sweet, sweet sound, all hearts beating as one. Father I pray that times of worship with fellow believers wouldn't be restricted to inside the walls of the church building, but You would reveal to us other like minded people who are present in our daily lives, the ones we haven't connected with yet. Unite us together to do great things for Your glory and Your kingdom. Let me not be shy, or timid to step out and ask where some one's heart is and who resides in it. May it be opportunities to share my love of Christ if they have not met the Savior of the world and my very best friend.  For the sake of the brethren and my companions I will say "Peace be within You." Seek what is good and turn from what is evil. Look to the One who can deliver and redeem you. Lord may every day be a holy day of resting in You, for You are the Lord of the Sabbath. Thank You, Jesus for drawing me near tucking me under the shadow of Your wings that I only need to turn my cheek to feel You near. Father, I pray that no matter where the busyness of life takes me today, I will seek to find You with me every moment. Thank You Lord that even in the storms of life, You are there, drawing us near to Your side, deepening our faith, hope and trust in You and You alone. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. Oh Lord I'm so thankful that You have promised to never leave nor forsake me. I pray Lord for those who are not well, battling various health issues may You lovingly touch and heal them from within, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I pray Lord that You would reveal Yourself to them as the loving compassion Father that You are, hear them as they moan in the pain. Come quickly to relieve the suffering and restore their bodies to wellness. I love You Jesus. Lord fill me today as I surrender my will into Your loving hand and follow after You. In the beautiful name of Jesus my Lord, Amen.

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