Friday, May 17, 2013

John 5:40
But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.

O' Lord I bow my heart and bend my knee to You, the wise King. I surrender my will into Your loving hands asking forgiveness over the areas of my life that I still cling to trying to control. I understand in my mind that in doing so I do not have the life You desire for me to live in the fullness. Lord Jesus I give You my heart trusting that as I surrender the area of struggle whether health, financial or relational, You would reveal Yourselves as You have in so many other components that make up my life.  Lead me and guide me through the challenge, effortlessly to achieve the optimal goal, so all glory and honor will be Yours. Send those who have had victory in that particular area to breathe life and hope in to me. May I be strengthened by the words of their testimonies. Father I pray for Your children who are not well to come to You, with requests of healing no matter how small they seem to be or how overwhelmingly huge the world says they are. Lord You are all powerful Healer may those in need be touched by Your amazing grace and be made whole. Let no false pride or fake humility stand in the way of receiving Your goodness for in that receiving, victory is Yours so no man can boast. Father I pray for the homes that are struggling to make ends meet, and are scurrying here and there trying to get enough, when Your store houses and barns are full, You are our Father with cattle on a thousand hills, and have said it is Your good pleasure to give to those who have given their all to You. Just as the widow with the pennies she gave all that she had, in doing so she showed it was her faith and trust  in You that was her focus not her fleshly needs, she knew You well believing You would provide for all her necessities.  Thank You Lord that as we surrender relationships in our lives to You, Your Spirit will bath them in peace, understanding and reconciliation. I think to my self, silly me why would I be so prideful to hold any part of me back from You.  Jesus have Your way in and through me this day, reveal Yourself to me and all the wonders that are only found in You. Lord Jesus I just want to praise You, praise You, praise You all day long. Thank You for this day, this life! I love You. Let me say it again Jesus I love You!!! All praise glory and honor are Yours forever and ever. In Your Perfect and Holy name, Amen

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