Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Matthew 2:8

And he sent them to Bethlehem and said , "Go and search carefully for a young Child, and when you have found Him bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also."

Dear Heavenly Father,

My heart is sad for so many are content for me to seek You, desiring to glean from my intimacy with You all the while missing out on what You have for them. Lord, I love to share all the great and wonderful things You have done. Your forgiveness is better than anything of this world.  But my heart is heavy for so many go about their business settling to living in the world that is superficial and cold; missing out on the warmth of Your amazing love that can only come from spending time with You. Father I pray that by the power of Your Holy Spirit You would open their eyes to see these action are not far from what Herod the king did when he sent the wisemen to find the Messiah. He did not what to come to repentance and turn from his own sinful nature and ask for Your amazing mercy and grace. He  desired power, prestige, popularity and prosperity for his own gain, all the while missing out on true love, peace and joy that are the greatest of all possessions. Jesus, You are the King of kings, the way the truth and the life, there is none, no, not one like You.  Better is one day in Your courts than a thousand else where. Hear my heart cry out that all would give thanks to You for Your goodness. I pray many would call upon Your name Jesus and You will answer them. Deliver and honor them with long life, may they remain steadfast and know Your salvation. Father, thank You that You have called to me and opened my ears to hear the sound of love. Thank You for Your Son the Lord of my life, I crown Him with many crowns, for there is none above Him.  Jesus I love You with all my heart. Thank You for opening the door and letting me in when I knocked, for revealing Your goodness when I searched, and saying "yes child" when I ask for Your forgiveness. Maranatha, Lord come quickly, In name of Jesus, Amen.

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