Thursday, June 6, 2013

Matthew 4:24
Then His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon possessed, epileptics and paralytics; and He healed them.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Coming before You with thanks and praise may I call upon Your name and make known Your deeds among the people! Jesus You are the same today as yesterday, and will be tomorrow. You have healed many that have live before us. Let me sing psalms to You and talk of Your wondrous works! Jesus there is glory in Your Holy name. Lord let the hearts of those rejoice who seek Your strength, and Your face remembering the marvelous works You have done. Father by the power of Your Spirit, and the finished work of the Cross where Christ died and was raised from the dead, heal the many I bring before You today. I lay them down at Your loving feet, You know each one by name, the illness, afflictions and the things that plague them, keeping them from living life to the fullest. Jesus You are all mighty and powerful You made the lame to walk, the deaf to hear and the mute to talk, You reduce fevers, cleanse lepers, stop the flow of  blood and open the barren womb. Lord Jesus You do miracles, there is no one else capable, reveal Yourself as healer to those who are in need of a touch, that glory, honor and praise will come to You as we lift You high above all things of this world. I pray Lord that our soul focus would be on You, we have no need for any other form of fulfilment. You are the way, the truth and the life. Lord please lean Your ear to hear the heart cry of a mother and father whose child is seriously ill, have mercy on them and by Your infinite grace heal their child from the top of their sweet light heads to the sole of their darling little feet, may they be the next generation to bring glory to You, loving and serving You all their days. Father, comfort those who are sitting bed side of their loved ones, if they do not know You at this sensitive time. Send believers to share the gospel and bring reconciliation in the their hearts. Thank You Lord that You hear this prayer of intercession and come quickly to perform healing of the most magnificent kind that only You can do. I love You Lord. Thank You, in Jesus name I pray, Amen

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